IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development


Semantic definition

The type of ballast used to stabilise gas discharge by limiting the current during operation and to deliver the necessary striking voltage for starting. Ballasts are needed to operate Discharge Lamps such as Fluorescent, Compact Fluorescent, High-pressure Mercury, Metal Halide and High-pressure Sodium Lamps. Magnetic ballasts are chokes which limit the current passing through a lamp connected in series on the principle of self-induction. The resultant current and power are decisive for the efficient operation of the lamp. A specially designed ballast is required for every type of lamp to comply with lamp rating in terms of Luminous Flux, Color Appearance and service life. The two types of magnetic ballasts for fluorescent lamps are KVG Conventional (EC-A series) and VVG Low-loss ballasts (EC-B series). Low-loss ballasts have a higher efficiency, which means reduced ballast losses and a lower thermal load. Electronic ballasts are used to run fluorescent lamps at high frequencies (approx. 35 - 40 kHz).

Referenced in
Table A

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