ABSTRACT This definition may not be instantiated Semantic definition
The IfcProduct is an abstract representation of any object that relates to a geometric or spatial context. An IfcProduct occurs at a specific location in space if it has a geometric representation assigned. It can be placed relatively to other products, but ultimately relative to the project coordinate system. The ObjectPlacement attribute establishes the coordinate system in which all points and directions used by the geometric representation items under Representation are founded. The Representation is provided by an IfcProductDefinitionShape being either a geometric shape representation, or a topology representation (with or without underlying geometry of the topological items).
Products include manufactured, supplied or created objects (referred to as elements) for incorporation into an AEC/FM project. This also includes objects that are created indirectly by other products, as spaces are defined by bounding elements. Products can be designated for permanent use or temporary use, an example for the latter is formwork. Products are defined by their properties and representations.
In addition to physical products (covered by the subtype IfcElement) and spatial items (covered by the subtype IfcSpatialElement) the IfcProduct also includes non-physical items, that relate to a geometric or spatial contexts, such as grid, port, annotation, structural actions, etc.
Any instance of IfcProduct defines a particular occurrence of a product. The common type information, that relates to many similar (or identical) occurrences of IfcProduct, is handled by the IfcTypeProduct (and its subtypes), assigned to one or many occurrences of IfcProduct by using the objectified relationship IfcRelDefinesByType. The IfcTypeProduct may provide, in addition to common properties, also a common geometric representation for all occurrences.
On a generic level products can be assigned to processes, controls, resources, project by using the relationship objects that refer to the corresponding object:
- Having a control applied: assigned using IfcRelAssignsToControl linking the IfcProduct to an IfcControl
- Being assigned to a process: assigned using IfcRelAssignsToProcess linking the IfcProduct to an IfcProcess
- Being assigned to a resource: assigned using IfcRelAssignsToResource linking the IfcProduct to an IfcResource Entity inheritance Attributes
# | Attribute | Type | Description |
IfcRoot (4) | |||
IfcObjectDefinition (7) | |||
IfcObject (5) | |||
Click to show 16 hidden inherited attributes Click to hide 16 inherited attributes | |||
IfcProduct (5) | |||
6 | ObjectPlacement | OPTIONAL IfcObjectPlacement |
This establishes the object coordinate system and placement of the product in space. The placement can either be absolute (relative to the world coordinate system), relative (relative to the object placement of another product), or constrained (e.g. relative to grid axes, or to a linear positioning element). The type of placement is determined by the various subtypes of IfcObjectPlacement. An object placement must be provided if a representation is present. |
7 | Representation | OPTIONAL IfcProductRepresentation |
Reference to the representations of the product, being either a representation (IfcProductRepresentation) or as a special case of a shape representation (IfcProductDefinitionShape). The product definition shape provides for multiple geometric representations of the shape property of the object within the same object coordinate system, defined by the object placement. |
ReferencedBy | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelAssignsToProduct FOR RelatingProduct |
Reference to the IfcRelAssignsToProduct relationship, by which other products, processes, controls, resources or actors (as subtypes of IfcObjectDefinition) can be related to this product. |
PositionedRelativeTo | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelPositions FOR RelatedProducts |
Reference to the IfcRelPositions relationship, which defines its relationship with a positioning element. |
ReferencedInStructures | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure FOR RelatedElements |
Reference to the objectified relationship IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure may be used to relate a product to one or more spatial structure elements in addition to the one in which it is primarily contained. | Formal propositions
Name | Description | ||||||||
PlacementForShapeRepresentation |
If a Representation is given being an IfcProductDefinitionShape, then also an ObjectPlacement has to be given. The ObjectPlacement defines the object coordinate system in which the geometric representation items of the IfcProductDefinitionShape are founded. |
| Property sets
- RiskName
- RiskType
- NatureOfRisk
- RiskAssessmentMethodology
- UnmitigatedRiskLikelihood
- UnmitigatedRiskConsequence
- UnmitigatedRiskSignificance
- MitigationPlanned
- MitigatedRiskLikelihood
- MitigatedRiskConsequence
- MitigatedRiskSignificance
- MitigationProposed
- AssociatedProduct
- AssociatedActivity
- AssociatedLocation
- ToleranceDescription
- ToleranceBasis
- OverallTolerance
- HorizontalTolerance
- OrthogonalTolerance
- VerticalTolerance
- PlanarFlatness
- HorizontalFlatness
- ElevationalFlatness
- SideFlatness
- OverallOrthogonality
- HorizontalOrthogonality
- OrthogonalOrthogonality
- VerticalOrthogonality
- OverallStraightness
- HorizontalStraightness
- OrthogonalStraightness
- VerticalStraightness
- UncertaintyBasis
- UncertaintyDescription
- HorizontalUncertainty
- LinearUncertainty
- OrthogonalUncertainty
- VerticalUncertainty
- GrossSurfaceArea
- NetSurfaceArea
- GrossVolume
- NetVolume
- SurfaceGenusBeforeFeatures
- SurfaceGenusAfterFeatures Concept usage
Concept | Usage | Description | |
IfcRoot (2) | |||
IfcObjectDefinition (9) | |||
IfcObject (5) | |||
Click to show 16 hidden inherited concepts Click to hide 16 inherited concepts | |||
IfcProduct (18) | |||
Body Geometry | General |
The body or solid model geometric representation of an IfcProduct is typically defined using a Tessellation or Brep. Subtypes may provide recommendations on other representation types that may be used. The following attribute values for the IfcShapeRepresentation holding this geometric representation shall be used:
Product Geometric Representation | General |
The geometric representation of any IfcProduct is provided by the IfcProductDefinitionShape allowing multiple geometric representations. It uses the Product Placement concept utilizing IfcLocalPlacement to establish an object coordinate system, in which all geometric representations are founded. |
Product Geometry Colour | General |
No description available. |
Product Geometry Layer | General |
No description available. |
Product Relative Positioning | General |
If the IfcProduct Product Placement is placed relative to an IfcPositioningElement this relationship covers the information on which IfcPositioningElement positions the IfcProduct. |
Product Span Positioning | General |
No description available. |
Box Geometry | General |
No description available. |
CoG Geometry | General |
No description available. |
Mapped Geometry | General |
No description available. |
Object Typing | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources: |
Product Local Placement | General |
No description available. |
Product Topology Representation | General |
No description available. |
Property Sets for Objects | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources: |
Quantity Sets | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources: |
Reference Geometry | General |
No description available. |
Reference SweptSolid Geometry | General |
No description available. |
Reference SweptSolid PolyCurve Geometry | General |
No description available. |
Reference Tessellation Geometry | General |
No description available. | Formal representation
ENTITY IfcProduct ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF (IfcAnnotation ,IfcElement ,IfcLinearElement ,IfcPort ,IfcPositioningElement ,IfcSpatialElement ,IfcStructuralActivity ,IfcStructuralItem)) SUBTYPE OF (IfcObject); ObjectPlacement : OPTIONAL IfcObjectPlacement; Representation : OPTIONAL IfcProductRepresentation; INVERSE ReferencedBy : SET [0:?] OF IfcRelAssignsToProduct FOR RelatingProduct; PositionedRelativeTo : SET [0:?] OF IfcRelPositions FOR RelatedProducts; ReferencedInStructures : SET [0:?] OF IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure FOR RelatedElements; WHERE PlacementForShapeRepresentation : (EXISTS(Representation) AND EXISTS(ObjectPlacement)) OR (EXISTS(Representation) AND (SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Representation.Representations | 'IFC4X3_DEV_d5336fff.IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION' IN TYPEOF(temp))) = 0)) OR (NOT(EXISTS(Representation))); END_ENTITY;