IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Object User Identity

An object may be labeled for human identification where the Name may indicate a well-known identifier. While there is no restriction on usage of such identifier, it is recommended the Name is unique within it's containing scope. Further guidance on usage is provided at specific entities; for example, for spaces, the Name may reflect a room number. An object may have a description provided via the Description attribute that provides further context in identifying or locating the object.

Specific subtypes introduce additional attributes for the Object User Identity template.

  • Spatial objects may be further identified via the LongName attribute. This value should generally correspond to building signage describing floor levels or rooms. While the Name attribute generally provides a coded or abbreviated identifier, the LongName provides a functional name for the location such as "Reception Area". See concept template Spatial Element Occurrence Attributes
  • Physical elements may be further identified via the Tag attribute. This is a human readable identifier such as an element or item number While there is no restriction on usage of such tags, it is recommended the Tag is unique within it's containing scope. See concept template Element Occurrence Attributes

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept. In addition, concepts may have particular importance to common or standardised industry practices and scenarios. For these specific usage scenarios, the table below shows a recommended list of general usage patterns that users may adopt.

G IfcObject IfcObject 1. GlobalId [1:1] 2. OwnerHistory [0:1] ObjectName 3. Name [0:1] ObjectDescription 4. Description [0:1]      HasAssignments [0:?]      Nests [0:1]      IsNestedBy [0:?]      HasContext [0:1]      IsDecomposedBy [0:?]      Decomposes [0:1]      HasAssociations [0:?] 5. ObjectType [0:1]      IsDeclaredBy [0:1]      Declares [0:?]      IsTypedBy [0:1]      IsDefinedBy [0:?] IfcLabel_0 IfcLabel IfcObject:Name1->IfcLabel_0:IfcLabel0 IfcText_0 IfcText IfcObject:Description1->IfcText_0:IfcText0 IfcRelDefinesByType IfcRelDefinesByType 1. GlobalId [1:1] 2. OwnerHistory [0:1] 3. Name [0:1] 4. Description [0:1] 5. RelatedObjects [1:?] 6. RelatingType [1:1] IfcObject:IsTypedBy1->IfcRelDefinesByType:RelatedObjects0 IfcTypeObject IfcTypeObject 1. GlobalId [1:1] 2. OwnerHistory [0:1] TypeName 3. Name [0:1] TypeDescription 4. Description [0:1]      HasAssignments [0:?]      Nests [0:1]      IsNestedBy [0:?]      HasContext [0:1]      IsDecomposedBy [0:?]      Decomposes [0:1]      HasAssociations [0:?] 5. ApplicableOccurrence [0:1] 6. HasPropertySets [1:?]      Types [0:1] IfcRelDefinesByType:RelatingType1->IfcTypeObject:IfcTypeObject0 IfcLabel_1 IfcLabel IfcTypeObject:Name1->IfcLabel_1:IfcLabel0 IfcText_1 IfcText IfcTypeObject:Description1->IfcText_1:IfcText0

General Usage


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