IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

8 Resource definition data schemas

Resource types may have assignments indicating re-usable product types for which occurrences may be sourced by occurrences of the resource type. An example of such assignment is a particular crane model that may be used for a crane equipment resource used for erecting steel.

  1. IfcActorResource
  2. IfcApprovalResource
  3. IfcConstraintResource
  4. IfcCostResource
  5. IfcDateTimeResource
  6. IfcExternalReferenceResource
  7. IfcGeometricConstraintResource
  8. IfcGeometricModelResource
  9. IfcGeometryResource
  10. IfcMaterialResource
  11. IfcMeasureResource
  12. IfcPresentationAppearanceResource
  13. IfcPresentationDefinitionResource
  14. IfcPresentationOrganizationResource
  15. IfcProfileResource
  16. IfcPropertyResource
  17. IfcQuantityResource
  18. IfcRepresentationResource
  19. IfcStructuralLoadResource
  20. IfcTopologyResource
  21. IfcUtilityResource

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