IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

7 Domain specific data schemas

The domain specific data schemas contain final specializations of entities as shown highlighted in blue. Entities defined in this layer are self-contained and cannot be referenced by any other layer. The domain specific layer organizes definitions according to industry discipline.

  1. IfcArchitectureDomain
  2. IfcBuildingControlsDomain
  3. IfcConstructionMgmtDomain
  4. IfcElectricalDomain
  5. IfcHvacDomain
  6. IfcPlumbingFireProtectionDomain
  7. IfcPortsAndWaterwaysDomain
  8. IfcRailDomain
  9. IfcRoadDomain
  10. IfcStructuralAnalysisDomain
  11. IfcStructuralElementsDomain

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