IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Spatial Service Connectivity

A system, such as a distribution system, services a particular spatial structure, either an entire facility (and its specific subtypes e.g. buildings, bridges, roads, or marine facilities), a facility part, a building storey, or any part of these structures. The system (IfcSystem) in question should be human identifiable by its Name attribute. The use of IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure in this template provides the relationship across spatial and functional hierarchies allowing the spatial coverage of functional systems.

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept. In addition, concepts may have particular importance to common or standardised industry practices and scenarios. For these specific usage scenarios, the table below shows a recommended list of general usage patterns that users may adopt.

G IfcSpatialElement IfcSpatialElement 1. GlobalId [1:1] 2. OwnerHistory [0:1] 3. Name [0:1] 4. Description [0:1]      HasAssignments [0:?]      Nests [0:1]      IsNestedBy [0:?]      HasContext [0:1]      IsDecomposedBy [0:?]      Decomposes [0:1]      HasAssociations [0:?] 5. ObjectType [0:1]      IsDeclaredBy [0:1]      Declares [0:?]      IsTypedBy [0:1]      IsDefinedBy [0:?] 6. ObjectPlacement [0:1] 7. Representation [0:1]      ReferencedBy [0:?]      PositionedRelativeTo [0:?]      ReferencedInStructures [0:?] 8. LongName [0:1]      ContainsElements [0:?]      ServicedBySystems [0:?] ReferencedElements      ReferencesElements [0:?]      IsInterferedByElements [0:?]      InterferesElements [0:?] IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure 1. GlobalId [1:1] 2. OwnerHistory [0:1] 3. Name [0:1] 4. Description [0:1] RelatedSystems 5. RelatedElements [1:?] 6. RelatingStructure [1:1] IfcSpatialElement:ReferencesElements1->IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure:RelatingStructure0 IfcSystem IfcSystem 1. GlobalId [1:1] 2. OwnerHistory [0:1] SystemName 3. Name [0:1] 4. Description [0:1]      HasAssignments [0:?]      Nests [0:1]      IsNestedBy [0:?]      HasContext [0:1]      IsDecomposedBy [0:?]      Decomposes [0:1]      HasAssociations [0:?] 5. ObjectType [0:1]      IsDeclaredBy [0:1]      Declares [0:?]      IsTypedBy [0:1]      IsDefinedBy [0:?]      IsGroupedBy [0:?]      ReferencedInStructures [0:?]      ServicesBuildings [0:1]      ServicesFacilities [0:?] IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure:RelatedElements1->IfcSystem:ReferencedInStructures0 IfcLabel IfcLabel IfcSystem:Name1->IfcLabel:IfcLabel0

General Usage


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