IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

4.2.12 Values

Properties may contain user-defined data, where data types are open-ended.

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept.

G IfcSimpleProperty IfcSimpleProperty      HasExternalReferences [0:?] PropertyName 1. Name [1:1] 2. Specification [0:1]      PartOfPset [0:?]      PropertyForDependance [0:?]      PropertyDependsOn [0:?]      PartOfComplex [0:?]      HasConstraints [0:?]      HasApprovals [0:?] IfcIdentifier IfcIdentifier IfcSimpleProperty:Name1->IfcIdentifier:IfcIdentifier0 IfcText IfcText IfcSimpleProperty:Description1->IfcText:IfcText0
Figure 4.2.12.A

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