IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development


Semantic definition

A list of the available types of fuse disconnector from which that required may be selected where:

EngineProtectionDevice: A fuse whose characteristic is specifically designed for the protection of a motor or generator. FuseSwitchDisconnector: A switch disconnector in which a fuse link or a fuse carrier with fuse link forms the moving contact, HRC: A standard fuse (High Rupturing Capacity) OverloadProtectionDevice: A device that disconnects the supply when the operating conditions in an electrically undamaged circuit causes an overcurrent, SemiconductorFuse: A fuse whose characteristic is specifically designed for the protection of sem-conductor devices. SwitchDisconnectorFuse: A switch disconnector in which one or more poles have a fuse in series in a composite unit.

Referenced in
Table A

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