IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development


Semantic definition

Selection of the type of sink from the enumerated list of types where:-

Belfast: Deep sink that has a plain edge and a weir overflow . Bucket: Sink at low level, with protected front edge, that facilitates filling and emptying buckets, usually with a hinged grid on which to stand them. Cleaners: Sink, usually fixed at normal height (900mm), with protected front edge. Combination_Left: Sink with integral drainer on left hand side . Combination_Right: Sink with integral drainer on right hand side . Combination_Double: Sink with integral drainer on both sides . Drip: Small sink that catches drips or flow from a faucet . Laboratory: Sink, of acid resisting material, with a top edge shaped to facilitate fixing to the underside of a desktop . London: Deep sink that has a plain edge and no overflow . Plaster: Sink with sediment receiver to prevent waste plaster passing into drains . Pot: Large metal sink, with a standing waste, for washing cooking utensils . Rinsing: Metal sink in which water can be heated and culinary utensils and tableware immersed at high temperature that destroys most harmful bacteria and allows subsequent self drying. . Shelf: Ceramic sink with an integral back shelf through which water fittings are mounted . VegetablePreparation: Large metal sink, with a standing waste, for washing and preparing vegetables .

Referenced in
Table A

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