IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development


Semantic definition

Defines the types of wash hand basin that may be specified where:

DentalCuspidor: Waste water appliance that receives and flushes away mouth washings . HandRinse: Wall mounted wash hand basin that has an overall width of 500mm or less . Hospital: Wash hand basin that has a smooth easy clean surface without tapholes or overflow slot for use where hygiene is of prime importance.

Tipup: Wash hand basin mounted on pivots so that it can be emptied by tilting.

Vanity: Wash hand basin for installation into a horizontal surface.

Washfountain: Wash hand basin that is circular, semi-circular or polygonal on plan, at which more than one person can wash at the same time. WashingTrough: Wash hand basin of elongated rectangular shape in plan, at which more than one person can wash at the same time.

Referenced in
Table A

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