IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Project Classification Information

Projects may define classification structures, which may be used to classify objects contained within the same project, or other referencing projects (incorporating the current project as IfcProjectLibrary).

The classification information can either be provided as an external classification reference, only referring to an IfcClassification, that holds the classification name, edition and a resource location, or to an IfcClassification containing the IfcClassificationReference's as the classification notations, and thereby allowing to include the classification system structure within the exchange structure.

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept. In addition, concepts may have particular importance to common or standardised industry practices and scenarios. For these specific usage scenarios, the table below shows a recommended list of general usage patterns that users may adopt.

G IfcContext IfcContext 1. GlobalId [1:1] 2. OwnerHistory [0:1] 3. Name [0:1] 4. Description [0:1]      HasAssignments [0:?]      Nests [0:1]      IsNestedBy [0:?]      HasContext [0:1]      IsDecomposedBy [0:?]      Decomposes [0:1]      HasAssociations [0:?] 5. ObjectType [0:1] 6. LongName [0:1] 7. Phase [0:1] 8. RepresentationContexts [1:?] 9. UnitsInContext [0:1]      IsDefinedBy [0:?]      Declares [0:?] IfcRelAssociatesClassification IfcRelAssociatesClassification 1. GlobalId [1:1] 2. OwnerHistory [0:1] 3. Name [0:1] 4. Description [0:1] 5. RelatedObjects [1:?] 6. RelatingClassification [1:1] IfcContext:HasAssociations1->IfcRelAssociatesClassification:RelatedObjects0 IfcLabel_3 IfcLabel IfcContext:Phase1->IfcLabel_3:IfcLabel0 IfcLabel_4 IfcLabel IfcContext:ObjectType1->IfcLabel_4:IfcLabel0 IfcLabel_5 IfcLabel IfcContext:LongName1->IfcLabel_5:IfcLabel0 IfcClassification IfcClassification ClassificationSource 1. Source [0:1] 2. Edition [0:1] 3. EditionDate [0:1] ClassificationName 4. Name [1:1] 5. Description [0:1] 6. Specification [0:1] ReferenceTokens 7. ReferenceTokens [1:?]      ClassificationForObjects [0:?]      HasReferences [0:?] IfcRelAssociatesClassification:RelatingClassification1->IfcClassification:IfcClassification0 IfcLabel_0 IfcLabel IfcClassification:Source1->IfcLabel_0:IfcLabel0 IfcLabel_1 IfcLabel IfcClassification:Name1->IfcLabel_1:IfcLabel0 IfcIdentifier_0 IfcIdentifier IfcClassification:ReferenceTokens1->IfcIdentifier_0:IfcIdentifier0 IfcClassificationReference_0 IfcClassificationReference 1. Location [0:1] 2. Identification [0:1] 3. Name [0:1]      ExternalReferenceForResources [0:?] 4. ReferencedSource [0:1] 5. Description [0:1] 6. Sort [0:1]      ClassificationRefForObjects [0:?]      HasReferences [0:?] IfcClassification:HasReferences1->IfcClassificationReference_0:ReferencedSource0 IfcClassificationReference_1 IfcClassificationReference 1. Location [0:1] 2. Identification [0:1] 3. Name [0:1]      ExternalReferenceForResources [0:?] 4. ReferencedSource [0:1] 5. Description [0:1] 6. Sort [0:1]      ClassificationRefForObjects [0:?]      HasReferences [0:?] IfcClassificationReference_0:HasReferences1->IfcClassificationReference_1:ReferencedSource0 IfcIdentifier_1 IfcIdentifier IfcClassificationReference_0:Identification1->IfcIdentifier_1:IfcIdentifier0 IfcLabel_2 IfcLabel IfcClassificationReference_0:Name1->IfcLabel_2:IfcLabel0 IfcText IfcText IfcClassificationReference_0:Description1->IfcText:IfcText0 IfcIdentifier_2 IfcIdentifier IfcClassificationReference_0:Sort1->IfcIdentifier_2:IfcIdentifier0

General Usage


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