IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities Semantic definition

Base quantities that are common to the definition of all occurrences of building. Applicable entities Properties

Name Data Type Description
Height IfcQuantityLength

Characteristic height

Standard gross height of this building, from the top surface of the construction floor, to the top surface of the construction floor or roof above. Only provided is there is a constant height.

EavesHeight IfcQuantityLength

Standard net height of this storey, from the top surface of the construction floor, to the bottom surface of the construction floor or roof above. Only provided is there is a constant height.

FootPrintArea IfcQuantityArea

Gross area of the site covered by the building(s).

GrossFloorArea IfcQuantityArea

Sum of all gross floor areas within the spatial structure element.

Includes the area of construction elements within the building. May be provided in addition to the quantities of the spaces and the construction elements assigned to the building. In case of inconsistencies, the individual quantities of spaces and construction elements take precedence.

NetFloorArea IfcQuantityArea

Sum of all net usable floor areas.

It excludes the area of construction elements within the building. May be provided in addition to the quantities of the spaces assigned to the building. In case of inconsistencies, the individual quantities of spaces take precedence.

GrossVolume IfcQuantityVolume

Total gross volume of the object. Openings, recesses, enclosed objects and projections are not taken into account.

Sum of all gross volumes of spaces enclosed. It includes the volumes of construction elements within the element. May be provided in addition to the quantities of the spaces and the construction elements assigned to the element. In case of inconsistencies, the individual quantities of spaces and construction elements take precedence.

NetVolume IfcQuantityVolume

Total net volume of the object, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.

Sum of all net volumes of spaces enclosed by the building. It excludes the volumes of construction elements within the building. May be provided in addition to the quantities of the spaces assigned to the building. In case of inconsistencies, the individual quantities of spaces take precedence.


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  • property, FootPrintArea
  • property, FootprintArea