IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

5.4 IfcProductExtension

5.4.1 Schema definition

The IfcProductExtension further specialises the concepts of a (physical) product, i.e. a component likely to have a shape and a placement within the project context. The product information is provided for individual product occurrences as subtypes of IfcProduct, and for common specific product types as subtypes of IfcTypeProduct. Both definitions are rooted in supertypes provided within the IfcKernel. Basis concepts, introduced within the IfcProductExtension, are:

  • the spatial project structure,
  • the element,
  • the grid,
  • the port, and 
  • the annotation.

The spatial project structure defines

  • the site, 
  • the facility (building, bridge, marine, railway, road),
  • the facility part (building storey and parts of the above), and 
  • the space 

and its decomposition structure. In addition the concepts of system and zone are introduced within the IfcProductExtension. Relationships between the spatial structure and the elements are defined, such as spatial containment and space boundaries.

An element is assigned to the spatial project structure and may refer by its placement to a grid. Basic types of elements, which are introduced are

  • building element
  • opening element
  • furnishing element
  • distribution element (including heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical and equipment elements)
  • transportation element

The other concepts introduced are

  • a grid, providing a constraint placement for elements, 
  • an alignment, providing a linear positioning element to position geographic and civil elements,
    with project geo referencing provided by means of entities from the IfcRepresentationResource domain,
  • an annotation to capture any additional annotations to a building model or plan (such as explanatory text, dimensioning, etc.), and
  • a port, providing connectivity between elements.

5.4.2 Types

  1. IfcAlignmentTypeEnum
  2. IfcAnnotationTypeEnum
  3. IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum
  4. IfcBridgePartTypeEnum
  5. IfcBridgeTypeEnum
  6. IfcBuiltSystemTypeEnum
  7. IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum
  8. IfcElementCompositionEnum
  9. IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum
  10. IfcFacilityPartCommonTypeEnum
  11. IfcFacilityUsageEnum
  12. IfcGeographicElementTypeEnum
  13. IfcGridTypeEnum
  14. IfcInterferenceSelect
  15. IfcInternalOrExternalEnum
  16. IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum
  17. IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum
  18. IfcProjectionElementTypeEnum
  19. IfcReferentTypeEnum
  20. IfcSpaceBoundarySelect
  21. IfcSpaceTypeEnum
  22. IfcSpatialReferenceSelect
  23. IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum
  24. IfcTransportElementTypeEnum
  25. IfcVehicleTypeEnum
  26. IfcVirtualElementTypeEnum

5.4.3 Entities

  1. IfcAlignment
  2. IfcAlignmentCant
  3. IfcAlignmentHorizontal
  4. IfcAlignmentSegment
  5. IfcAlignmentVertical
  6. IfcAnnotation
  7. IfcBridge
  8. IfcBridgePart
  9. IfcBuilding
  10. IfcBuildingStorey
  11. IfcBuiltElement
  12. IfcBuiltElementType
  13. IfcBuiltSystem
  14. IfcCivilElement
  15. IfcCivilElementType
  16. IfcDistributionElement
  17. IfcDistributionElementType
  18. IfcElement
  19. IfcElementAssembly
  20. IfcElementAssemblyType
  21. IfcElementQuantity
  22. IfcElementType
  23. IfcExternalSpatialElement
  24. IfcExternalSpatialStructureElement
  25. IfcFacility
  26. IfcFacilityPart
  27. IfcFacilityPartCommon
  28. IfcFeatureElement
  29. IfcFeatureElementAddition
  30. IfcFeatureElementSubtraction
  31. IfcFurnishingElement
  32. IfcFurnishingElementType
  33. IfcGeographicElement
  34. IfcGeographicElementType
  35. IfcGrid
  36. IfcImpactProtectionDevice
  37. IfcImpactProtectionDeviceType
  38. IfcLinearElement
  39. IfcLinearPositioningElement
  40. IfcOpeningElement
  41. IfcPort
  42. IfcPositioningElement
  43. IfcProjectionElement
  44. IfcReferent
  45. IfcRelAdheresToElement
  46. IfcRelAssociatesMaterial
  47. IfcRelAssociatesProfileDef
  48. IfcRelConnectsElements
  49. IfcRelConnectsPortToElement
  50. IfcRelConnectsPorts
  51. IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements
  52. IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure
  53. IfcRelFillsElement
  54. IfcRelInterferesElements
  55. IfcRelPositions
  56. IfcRelProjectsElement
  57. IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure
  58. IfcRelServicesBuildings
  59. IfcRelSpaceBoundary
  60. IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel
  61. IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel
  62. IfcRelVoidsElement
  63. IfcSite
  64. IfcSpace
  65. IfcSpaceType
  66. IfcSpatialElement
  67. IfcSpatialElementType
  68. IfcSpatialStructureElement
  69. IfcSpatialStructureElementType
  70. IfcSpatialZone
  71. IfcSpatialZoneType
  72. IfcSystem
  73. IfcTransportElement
  74. IfcTransportElementType
  75. IfcTransportationDevice
  76. IfcTransportationDeviceType
  77. IfcVehicle
  78. IfcVehicleType
  79. IfcVibrationDamper
  80. IfcVibrationDamperType
  81. IfcVirtualElement
  82. IfcZone

5.4.4 Property Sets

  1. Pset_AlignmentCantSegmentCommon
  2. Pset_AlignmentVerticalSegmentCommon
  3. Pset_AnnotationContourLine
  4. Pset_AnnotationLineOfSight
  5. Pset_AnnotationSurveyArea
  6. Pset_BridgeCommon
  7. Pset_BuildingCommon
  8. Pset_BuildingStoreyCommon
  9. Pset_BuildingUse
  10. Pset_BuildingUseAdjacent
  11. Pset_CivilElementCommon
  12. Pset_ElementAssemblyCommon
  13. Pset_EnvironmentalEmissions
  14. Pset_EnvironmentalImpactIndicators
  15. Pset_EnvironmentalImpactValues
  16. Pset_LandRegistration
  17. Pset_OpeningElementCommon
  18. Pset_ProcessCapacity
  19. Pset_ProvisionForVoid
  20. Pset_SiteCommon
  21. Pset_SpaceCommon
  22. Pset_SpaceCoveringRequirements
  23. Pset_SpaceFireSafetyRequirements
  24. Pset_SpaceHVACDesign
  25. Pset_SpaceLightingDesign
  26. Pset_SpaceOccupancyRequirements
  27. Pset_SpaceParking
  28. Pset_SpatialZoneCommon
  29. Pset_Tolerance
  30. Pset_TransportElementCommon
  31. Pset_TransportElementElevator
  32. Pset_Uncertainty
  33. Pset_VegetationCommon
  34. Pset_ZoneCommon

5.4.5 Quantity Sets

  1. Qto_BuildingBaseQuantities
  2. Qto_BuildingStoreyBaseQuantities
  3. Qto_OpeningElementBaseQuantities
  4. Qto_ProjectionElementBaseQuantities
  5. Qto_SiteBaseQuantities
  6. Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities

5.4.6 Functions

No resources are available in this category.

5.4.7 Rules

No resources are available in this category.

5.4.8 PropertyEnumerations

  1. PEnum_AcquisitionMethod
  2. PEnum_LifeCyclePhase
  3. PEnum_ProcessItem
  4. PEnum_StructureIndicator
  5. PEnum_ToleranceBasis
  6. PEnum_UncertaintyBasis

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