IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_Permit Semantic definition

A permit is a document that allows permission to gain access to an area or carry out work in a situation where security or other access restrictions apply.

HISTORY: IFC4 EndDate added. PermitType, PermitDuration, StartTime and EndTime are deleted. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
EscortRequirement IfcPropertySingleValue IfcBoolean

Indicates whether or not an escort is required to accompany persons carrying out a work order at or to/from the place of work (= TRUE) or not (= FALSE).

NOTE - There are many instances where escorting is required, particularly in a facility that has a high security rating. Escorting may require that persons are escorted to and from the place of work. Alternatively, it may involve the escort remaining at the place of work at all times.

StartDate IfcPropertySingleValue IfcDateTime

Date and time from which the permit becomes valid.

EndDate IfcPropertySingleValue IfcDateTime

Date and time at which the permit ceases to be valid.

SpecialRequirements IfcPropertySingleValue IfcText

Any additional special requirements that need to be included in the permit to work.

NOTE - Additional permit requirements may be imposed according to the nature of the facility at which the work is carried out. For instance, in clean areas, special clothing may be required whilst in corrective institutions, it may be necessary to check in and check out tools that will be used for work as a safety precaution.


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  • property, EndDate
  • property, EndTime
  • property, PermitDuration
  • property, PermitType
  • property, StartTime
  • property StartDate, Changed from "reference IfcCalendarDate" to "single IfcDateTime"