IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

6.6 IfcSharedInfrastructureElements

6.6.1 Schema definition

The IfcSharedInfrastructureElements schema defines the shared or common elements (subtypes of IfcElement) that are applicable to the infrastructure sector.

The scope of this includes concepts to cover the definition of:

  • Geotechnical & terrain
    • Boreholes
    • Geo models
    • Geo slices
    • Stratums
  • Aggregate Courses
  • Earthworks Structures
    • Cuts
    • Fills
    • Soil reinforcement
  • Pavements
  • Signs
  • Signals

6.6.2 Types

  1. IfcCourseTypeEnum
  2. IfcEarthworksCutTypeEnum
  3. IfcEarthworksFillTypeEnum
  4. IfcGeotechnicalStratumTypeEnum
  5. IfcImpactProtectionDeviceTypeEnum
  6. IfcPavementTypeEnum
  7. IfcReinforcedSoilTypeEnum
  8. IfcSignTypeEnum
  9. IfcSignalTypeEnum

6.6.3 Entities

  1. IfcBorehole
  2. IfcCourse
  3. IfcCourseType
  4. IfcEarthworksCut
  5. IfcEarthworksElement
  6. IfcEarthworksFill
  7. IfcGeomodel
  8. IfcGeoslice
  9. IfcGeotechnicalAssembly
  10. IfcGeotechnicalElement
  11. IfcGeotechnicalStratum
  12. IfcPavement
  13. IfcPavementType
  14. IfcReinforcedSoil
  15. IfcSign
  16. IfcSignType
  17. IfcSignal
  18. IfcSignalType

6.6.4 Property Sets

  1. Pset_BoreholeCommon
  2. Pset_ElementKinematics
  3. Pset_GeotechnicalAssemblyCommon
  4. Pset_GeotechnicalStratumCommon
  5. Pset_LinearReferencingMethod
  6. Pset_ReferentCommon
  7. Pset_SignCommon
  8. Pset_SolidStratumCapacity
  9. Pset_SolidStratumComposition
  10. Pset_Stationing
  11. Pset_WaterStratumCommon

6.6.5 Quantity Sets

  1. Qto_ArealStratumBaseQuantities
  2. Qto_CourseBaseQuantities
  3. Qto_EarthworksCutBaseQuantities
  4. Qto_EarthworksFillBaseQuantities
  5. Qto_ImpactProtectionDeviceBaseQuantities
  6. Qto_KerbBaseQuantities
  7. Qto_LinearStratumBaseQuantities
  8. Qto_PavementBaseQuantities
  9. Qto_PictorialSignQuantities
  10. Qto_ReinforcedSoilBaseQuantities
  11. Qto_SignBaseQuantities
  12. Qto_SignalBaseQuantities
  13. Qto_SurfaceFeatureBaseQuantities
  14. Qto_VolumetricStratumBaseQuantities

6.6.6 Functions

No resources are available in this category.

6.6.7 Rules

No resources are available in this category.

6.6.8 PropertyEnumerations

  1. PEnum_BoreholeState
  2. PEnum_LRMType
  3. PEnum_SoilCompositeFractions
  4. PEnum_StrataAssemblyPurpose