IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

6.1 IfcSharedBldgElements

6.1.1 Schema definition

The shared building elements (IfcSharedBldgElements) define the subtypes of IfcBuiltElement, which is defined in the IfcProductExtension. Those subtypes are the major elements, which constitutes the architectural design of the building structure.

The elements (e.g. wall, beam, column, slab, roof, stair, ramp, window, door and covering) are the main components of the raw building (or carcass) which is central for the exchange of project data. For each of those elements a geometric use definition is provided, which introduces the correct application of available shape representation types for the elements.

6.1.2 Types

  1. IfcBeamTypeEnum
  2. IfcBearingTypeEnum
  3. IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum
  4. IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum
  5. IfcChimneyTypeEnum
  6. IfcColumnTypeEnum
  7. IfcConnectionTypeEnum
  8. IfcCoveringTypeEnum
  9. IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum
  10. IfcDoorTypeEnum
  11. IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum
  12. IfcMemberTypeEnum
  13. IfcPlateTypeEnum
  14. IfcRailingTypeEnum
  15. IfcRampFlightTypeEnum
  16. IfcRampTypeEnum
  17. IfcRoofTypeEnum
  18. IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum
  19. IfcSlabTypeEnum
  20. IfcStairFlightTypeEnum
  21. IfcStairTypeEnum
  22. IfcWallTypeEnum
  23. IfcWindowTypeEnum
  24. IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum

6.1.3 Entities

  1. IfcBeam
  2. IfcBeamType
  3. IfcBearing
  4. IfcBearingType
  5. IfcBuildingElementProxy
  6. IfcBuildingElementProxyType
  7. IfcBuildingSystem
  8. IfcChimney
  9. IfcChimneyType
  10. IfcColumn
  11. IfcColumnType
  12. IfcCovering
  13. IfcCoveringType
  14. IfcCurtainWall
  15. IfcCurtainWallType
  16. IfcDoor
  17. IfcDoorType
  18. IfcMember
  19. IfcMemberType
  20. IfcPlate
  21. IfcPlateType
  22. IfcRailing
  23. IfcRailingType
  24. IfcRamp
  25. IfcRampFlight
  26. IfcRampFlightType
  27. IfcRampType
  28. IfcRelConnectsPathElements
  29. IfcRelCoversBldgElements
  30. IfcRelCoversSpaces
  31. IfcRoof
  32. IfcRoofType
  33. IfcShadingDevice
  34. IfcShadingDeviceType
  35. IfcSlab
  36. IfcSlabType
  37. IfcStair
  38. IfcStairFlight
  39. IfcStairFlightType
  40. IfcStairType
  41. IfcWall
  42. IfcWallStandardCase
  43. IfcWallType
  44. IfcWindow
  45. IfcWindowType

6.1.4 Property Sets

  1. Pset_BeamCommon
  2. Pset_BearingCommon
  3. Pset_BuildingElementProxyCommon
  4. Pset_BuildingSystemCommon
  5. Pset_ChimneyCommon
  6. Pset_ColumnCommon
  7. Pset_CoveringCommon
  8. Pset_CoveringFlooring
  9. Pset_CurtainWallCommon
  10. Pset_DoorCommon
  11. Pset_DoorWindowGlazingType
  12. Pset_MemberCommon
  13. Pset_PlateCommon
  14. Pset_RailingCommon
  15. Pset_RampCommon
  16. Pset_RampFlightCommon
  17. Pset_RoofCommon
  18. Pset_ShadingDeviceCommon
  19. Pset_SlabCommon
  20. Pset_StairCommon
  21. Pset_StairFlightCommon
  22. Pset_Tiling
  23. Pset_WallCommon
  24. Pset_WindowCommon

6.1.5 Quantity Sets

  1. Qto_BeamBaseQuantities
  2. Qto_BuildingElementProxyQuantities
  3. Qto_ChimneyBaseQuantities
  4. Qto_ColumnBaseQuantities
  5. Qto_CoveringBaseQuantities
  6. Qto_CurtainWallQuantities
  7. Qto_DoorBaseQuantities
  8. Qto_MemberBaseQuantities
  9. Qto_PlateBaseQuantities
  10. Qto_RailingBaseQuantities
  11. Qto_RampFlightBaseQuantities
  12. Qto_RoofBaseQuantities
  13. Qto_SlabBaseQuantities
  14. Qto_StairFlightBaseQuantities
  15. Qto_WallBaseQuantities
  16. Qto_WindowBaseQuantities

6.1.6 Functions

No resources are available in this category.

6.1.7 Rules

No resources are available in this category.

6.1.8 PropertyEnumerations

  1. PEnum_AdjustmentValueType
  2. PEnum_AssemblyPlace
  3. PEnum_AssetRating
  4. PEnum_BackInletPatternType
  5. PEnum_ConductorFunctionEnum
  6. PEnum_DataCollectionType
  7. PEnum_ElementShading
  8. PEnum_ElementStatus
  9. PEnum_EndShapeType
  10. PEnum_EnergySource
  11. PEnum_FiberColour
  12. PEnum_FiberType
  13. PEnum_FireDamperActuationType
  14. PEnum_FireDamperClosureRating
  15. PEnum_FurniturePanelType
  16. PEnum_GullyType
  17. PEnum_InputOutputSignalType
  18. PEnum_PriorityType
  19. PEnum_RefrigerantClass
  20. PEnum_RelativePosition
  21. PEnum_RiskRating
  22. PEnum_SanitaryMounting
  23. PEnum_SectionType
  24. PEnum_SerialInterfaceType
  25. PEnum_SideType
  26. PEnum_SignalIndicatorType
  27. PEnum_SwitchActivation
  28. PEnum_SwitchUsage
  29. PEnum_SwitchingDeviceDimmerSwitchType
  30. PEnum_TankPatternType
  31. PEnum_TrapType
  32. PEnum_UnitConnectionType
  33. PEnum_VoltageLevels