6.1 IfcSharedBldgElements
6.1.1 Schema definition
The shared building elements (IfcSharedBldgElements) define the subtypes of IfcBuiltElement, which is defined in the IfcProductExtension. Those subtypes are the major elements, which constitutes the architectural design of the building structure.
The elements (e.g. wall, beam, column, slab, roof, stair, ramp, window, door and covering) are the main components of the raw building (or carcass) which is central for the exchange of project data. For each of those elements a geometric use definition is provided, which introduces the correct application of available shape representation types for the elements.
6.1.2 Types
- IfcBeamTypeEnum
- IfcBearingTypeEnum
- IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum
- IfcBuildingSystemTypeEnum
- IfcChimneyTypeEnum
- IfcColumnTypeEnum
- IfcConnectionTypeEnum
- IfcCoveringTypeEnum
- IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum
- IfcDoorTypeEnum
- IfcDoorTypeOperationEnum
- IfcMemberTypeEnum
- IfcPlateTypeEnum
- IfcRailingTypeEnum
- IfcRampFlightTypeEnum
- IfcRampTypeEnum
- IfcRoofTypeEnum
- IfcShadingDeviceTypeEnum
- IfcSlabTypeEnum
- IfcStairFlightTypeEnum
- IfcStairTypeEnum
- IfcWallTypeEnum
- IfcWindowTypeEnum
- IfcWindowTypePartitioningEnum
6.1.3 Entities
- IfcBeam
- IfcBeamType
- IfcBearing
- IfcBearingType
- IfcBuildingElementProxy
- IfcBuildingElementProxyType
- IfcBuildingSystem
- IfcChimney
- IfcChimneyType
- IfcColumn
- IfcColumnType
- IfcCovering
- IfcCoveringType
- IfcCurtainWall
- IfcCurtainWallType
- IfcDoor
- IfcDoorType
- IfcMember
- IfcMemberType
- IfcPlate
- IfcPlateType
- IfcRailing
- IfcRailingType
- IfcRamp
- IfcRampFlight
- IfcRampFlightType
- IfcRampType
- IfcRelConnectsPathElements
- IfcRelCoversBldgElements
- IfcRelCoversSpaces
- IfcRoof
- IfcRoofType
- IfcShadingDevice
- IfcShadingDeviceType
- IfcSlab
- IfcSlabType
- IfcStair
- IfcStairFlight
- IfcStairFlightType
- IfcStairType
- IfcWall
- IfcWallStandardCase
- IfcWallType
- IfcWindow
- IfcWindowType
6.1.4 Property Sets
- Pset_BeamCommon
- Pset_BearingCommon
- Pset_BuildingElementProxyCommon
- Pset_BuildingSystemCommon
- Pset_ChimneyCommon
- Pset_ColumnCommon
- Pset_CoveringCommon
- Pset_CoveringFlooring
- Pset_CurtainWallCommon
- Pset_DoorCommon
- Pset_DoorWindowGlazingType
- Pset_MemberCommon
- Pset_PlateCommon
- Pset_RailingCommon
- Pset_RampCommon
- Pset_RampFlightCommon
- Pset_RoofCommon
- Pset_ShadingDeviceCommon
- Pset_SlabCommon
- Pset_StairCommon
- Pset_StairFlightCommon
- Pset_Tiling
- Pset_WallCommon
- Pset_WindowCommon
6.1.5 Quantity Sets
- Qto_BeamBaseQuantities
- Qto_BuildingElementProxyQuantities
- Qto_ChimneyBaseQuantities
- Qto_ColumnBaseQuantities
- Qto_CoveringBaseQuantities
- Qto_CurtainWallQuantities
- Qto_DoorBaseQuantities
- Qto_MemberBaseQuantities
- Qto_PlateBaseQuantities
- Qto_RailingBaseQuantities
- Qto_RampFlightBaseQuantities
- Qto_RoofBaseQuantities
- Qto_SlabBaseQuantities
- Qto_StairFlightBaseQuantities
- Qto_WallBaseQuantities
- Qto_WindowBaseQuantities
6.1.6 Functions
No resources are available in this category.
6.1.7 Rules
No resources are available in this category.
6.1.8 PropertyEnumerations
- PEnum_AdjustmentValueType
- PEnum_AssemblyPlace
- PEnum_AssetRating
- PEnum_BackInletPatternType
- PEnum_ConductorFunctionEnum
- PEnum_DataCollectionType
- PEnum_ElementShading
- PEnum_ElementStatus
- PEnum_EndShapeType
- PEnum_EnergySource
- PEnum_FiberColour
- PEnum_FiberType
- PEnum_FireDamperActuationType
- PEnum_FireDamperClosureRating
- PEnum_FurniturePanelType
- PEnum_GullyType
- PEnum_InputOutputSignalType
- PEnum_PriorityType
- PEnum_RefrigerantClass
- PEnum_RelativePosition
- PEnum_RiskRating
- PEnum_SanitaryMounting
- PEnum_SectionType
- PEnum_SerialInterfaceType
- PEnum_SideType
- PEnum_SignalIndicatorType
- PEnum_SwitchActivation
- PEnum_SwitchUsage
- PEnum_SwitchingDeviceDimmerSwitchType
- PEnum_TankPatternType
- PEnum_TrapType
- PEnum_UnitConnectionType
- PEnum_VoltageLevels