IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_PropertyAgreement Semantic definition

A property agreement is an agreement that enables the occupation of a property for a period of time.

The objective is to capture the information within an agreement that is relevant to a facilities manager. Design and construction information associated with the property is not considered. A property agreement may be applied to an instance of IfcSpatialStructureElement including to compositions defined through the IfcSpatialStructureElement.Element.CompositionEnum.

Note that the associated actors are captured by the IfcOccupant class. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
AgreementType IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_PropertyAgreementType

Identifies the predefined types of property agreement from which the type required may be set.

TrackingIdentifier IfcPropertySingleValue IfcIdentifier

The identifier assigned to the agreement for the purposes of tracking.

AgreementVersion IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

The version number of the agreement that is identified.

AgreementDate IfcPropertySingleValue IfcDate

The date on which the version of the agreement became applicable.

PropertyName IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

Addressing details of the property as stated within the agreement.

CommencementDate IfcPropertySingleValue IfcDate

Date on which the agreement commences.

TerminationDate IfcPropertySingleValue IfcDate

Date on which the agreement terminates.

Duration IfcPropertySingleValue IfcDuration


The period of time for the lease.

Options IfcPropertySingleValue IfcText

A statement of the options available in the agreement.

ConditionCommencement IfcPropertySingleValue IfcText

Condition of property provided on commencement of the agreement e.g. cold shell, warm lit shell, broom clean, turn-key.

Restrictions IfcPropertySingleValue IfcText

Restrictions that may be placed by a competent authority.

ConditionTermination IfcPropertySingleValue IfcText

Condition of property required on termination of the agreement e.g. cold shell, warm lit shell, broom clean, turn-key.


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Is this page difficult to understand? Let us know! Changelog IFC4

  • property CommencementDate, Changed from "reference IfcCalendarDate" to "single IfcDate"
  • property Duration, Changed from "single IfcTimeMeasure" to "single IfcDuration"
  • property TerminationDate, Changed from "reference IfcCalendarDate" to "single IfcDate"
  • property VersionDate, Changed from "reference IfcCalendarDate" to "single IfcDate" IFC4.3_DEV_0065273e

  • applicability, IfcSpatialStructureElementType
  • property, AgreementDate
  • property, AgreementVersion
  • property, TrackingIdentifier
  • property, Identifier
  • property, Version
  • property, VersionDate