IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_SoundAttenuation Semantic definition

Common definition to capture sound pressure at a point on behalf of a device typically used within the context of building services and flow distribution systems. To indicate sound values from an instance of IfcDistributionFlowElement at a particular location, IfcAnnotation instance(s) should be assigned to the IfcDistributionFlowElement through the IfcRelAssignsToProduct relationship. The IfcAnnotation should specify ObjectType of 'Sound' and geometric representation of 'Annotation Point' consisting of a single IfcPoint subtype as described at IfcAnnotation. This property set is instantiated multiple times on an object for each frequency band.

HISTORY: New property set in IFC Release 2x4. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
SoundScale IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_SoundScale

The reference sound scale.

DBA: Decibels in an A-weighted scale DBB: Decibels in an B-weighted scale DBC: Decibels in an C-weighted scale NC: Noise criteria NR: Noise rating

SoundFrequency IfcPropertyListValue IfcFrequencyMeasure

List of nominal sound frequencies, correlated to the SoundPressure time series values (IfcTimeSeries.ListValues)

SoundPressure IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

A time series of sound pressure values measured in decibels at a reference pressure of 20 microPascals for the referenced octave band frequency. Each value in IfcTimeSeries.ListValues is correlated to the sound frequency at the same position within SoundFrequencies.


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