IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_Risk Semantic definition

An indication of exposure to mischance, peril, menace, hazard or loss. Documentation of a potential hazard, likilihood and consequence aligned with AS/NZS 4360 and BS PAS 1192-6:2017, which can be assigned to or associated with a product, activity and/or location. Alternatively it may be assigned to an ISO 3864 annotation symbol.

There are various types of risk that may be encountered and there may be several instances of Pset_Risk associated to an instance or type. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
RiskName IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

A locally unique identifier for the risk entry that can be used to track the development and mitigation of the risk throughout the project life cycle

RiskType IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_RiskType

Identifies the predefined types of risk from which the type required may be set.

NatureOfRisk IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

A description of the generic nature of the context or hazard that might be encountered.

RiskAssessmentMethodology IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

An indication or link to the chosen risk assessment methodology, for example PAS1192-6 or a chosen ISO13100 annex.

UnmitigatedRiskLikelihood IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_RiskRating

Identifies the likelihood of the hazard prior to any specific mitigation.

UnmitigatedRiskConsequence IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_RiskRating

Identifies the consequence of the hazard prior to any specific mitigation.

UnmitigatedRiskSignificance IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_RiskRating

Identifies the significance of the risk given the likelihood and consequence prior to any specific mitigation.

MitigationPlanned IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

The planned (agreed and irrevocable) mitigation of the likelhood and consequences of the hazard.

MitigatedRiskLikelihood IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_RiskRating

Identifies the likelihood of the hazard given the planned mitigation.

MitigatedRiskConsequence IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_RiskRating

Identifies the consequence of the hazard given the planned mitigation.

MitigatedRiskSignificance IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_RiskRating

Identifies the significance of the risk given the mitigation of likelihood and consequence.

MitigationProposed IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

Any proposed, but not yet agreed and irrevocable, mitigation of the likelhood and consequences of the hazard.

AssociatedProduct IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

An indication or link to any associated product or material that may trigger the hazard. If used directly on an annotation or semantic object. for an alternative see group use encoding template

AssociatedActivity IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

An indication or link to any associated activity or process that may trigger the hazard. If used directly on an annotation or semantic object. for an alternative see group use encoding template

AssociatedLocation IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

An indication or link to any associated location or space that may trigger the hazard. If used directly on an annotation or semantic object. for an alternative see group use encoding template


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  • applicability, IfcGroup
  • applicability, IfcProduct
  • applicability, IfcTypeProcess
  • applicability, IfcTypeProduct
  • property, AssociatedActivity
  • property, AssociatedLocation
  • property, AssociatedProduct
  • property, MitigatedRiskConsequence
  • property, MitigatedRiskLikelihood
  • property, MitigatedRiskSignificance
  • property, MitigationPlanned
  • property, MitigationProposed
  • property, RiskAssessmentMethodology
  • property, RiskName
  • property, UnmitigatedRiskConsequence
  • property, UnmitigatedRiskLikelihood
  • property, UnmitigatedRiskSignificance
  • property, AffectsSurroundings
  • property, AssessmentOfRisk
  • property, PreventiveMeassures
  • property, RiskCause
  • property, RiskConsequence
  • property, RiskOwner
  • property, RiskRating
  • property, SubNatureOfRisk1
  • property, SubNatureOfRisk2