IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_SpaceThermalLoadPHistory Semantic definition

This property set defines actual measured thermal losses and gains occurring within a space or zone. The thermal load source attribute defines an enumeration of possible sources of the thermal load. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
PeopleHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Heat gains and losses from people.

LightingHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Lighting loads.

EquipmentSensibleHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Heat gains and losses from equipment.

VentilationIndoorAirHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Ventilation loads from indoor air.

VentilationOutdoorAirHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Ventilation loads from outdoor air.

RecirculatedAirHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Loads from recirculated air.

ExhaustAirHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Loads from exhaust air.

AirExchangeRateTimeHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Loads from the air exchange rate.

DryBulbTemperatureHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Loads from the dry bulb temperature.

RelativeHumidityHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Loads from the relative humidity.

InfiltrationSensibleHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Heat gains and losses from infiltration.

TotalSensibleLoadHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Total energy added or removed from air that affects its temperature. If a value is less than zero (negative), then the thermal load is lost from the space. If a value is greater than zero (positive), then the thermal load is a gain to the space.

TotalLatentLoadHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Total energy added or removed from air that affects its humidity or concentration of water vapor. If a value is less than zero (negative), then the thermal load is lost from the space. If a value is greater than zero (positive), then the thermal load is a gain to the space.

TotalRadiantLoadHistory IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Total electromagnetic energy added or removed by emission or absorption. If a value is less than zero (negative), then the thermal load is lost from the space. If a value is greater than zero (positive), then the thermal load is a gain to the space.


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  • New resource IFC4.3_DEV_7e95fe8

  • applicability, IfcSpatialElement
  • property, AirExchangeRateTimeHistory
  • property, DryBulbTemperatureHistory
  • property, EquipmentSensibleHistory
  • property, ExhaustAirHistory
  • property, InfiltrationSensibleHistory
  • property, LightingHistory
  • property, PeopleHistory
  • property, RecirculatedAirHistory
  • property, RelativeHumidityHistory
  • property, TotalLatentLoadHistory
  • property, TotalRadiantLoadHistory
  • property, TotalSensibleLoadHistory
  • property, VentilationIndoorAirHistory
  • property, VentilationOutdoorAirHistory
  • applicability, IfcSpace
  • property, AirExchangeRate
  • property, DryBulbTemperature
  • property, EquipmentSensible
  • property, ExhaustAir
  • property, InfiltrationSensible
  • property, Lighting
  • property, People
  • property, RecirculatedAir
  • property, RelativeHumidity
  • property, TotalLatentLoad
  • property, TotalRadiantLoad
  • property, TotalSensibleLoad
  • property, VentilationIndoorAir
  • property, VentilationOutdoorAir