IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Qto_RampFlightBaseQuantities Semantic definition

Base quantities that are common to the definition of all occurrences of ramp flights. Applicable entities Properties

Name Data Type Description
Length IfcQuantityLength

The length of the object.

Measured along the walking line.

Width IfcQuantityLength

The width of the object. Only given, if the object has constant thickness (prismatic).

GrossArea IfcQuantityArea

Gross Area of the object. Openings, recesses, projections and cut-outs are not taken into account.

Total area of the ramp flight (not the projected area). Only given, if the element is prismatic.

NetArea IfcQuantityArea

Total net area of the object. Openings, recesses and cut-outs are taken into account by subtraction, projections by addition.

Total area of the ramp flight (not the projected area). Only given when prismatic.

GrossVolume IfcQuantityVolume

Total gross volume of the object. Openings, recesses, enclosed objects and projections are not taken into account.

NetVolume IfcQuantityVolume

Total net volume of the object, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.

Total net volume of the ramp flight. Openings and recesses are taken into account by subtraction, projections by addition.


Edit on Github

2 contributor(s):
Last change: Improve definition split (#876) * bring back headers headers were previously removed by mistake, now bringing them back * add new lines and rename the tag add the word 'short' in it * unify newlines make exactly one newline before and two after the tag * resolving typos Because bringing back headers required to go back in time to previous version, I'm now re-resolving the issues: #861, #860, #856 by ArturTomczak on 7/16/2024, 2:07:28 PM

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