IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

7.9 IfcRoadDomain

7.9.1 Schema definition

The IfcRoadDomain schema forms part of the Domain Layer of the IFC Model. It extends the ideas concerning infrastructure outlined in the IfcSharedInfrastructureElements schema. It defines concepts specific to road infrastructure.

The in scope road types and related spaces have been identified as the most common and widespread ones across the world:

  • Controlled access highway
  • Dual carriageway
  • Single carriageway
  • Street
  • Bicycle path
  • Footpath

In-scope junction types:

  • Interchange:
    • overpass
    • underpass
    • ramp
  • Intersection:
    • Intersecting roads (3, 4, ..., 7 way)
    • roundabout or traffic circle
    • pedestrian crossing
    • bicycle crossing

In-scope road components, elements and equipment:

  • Road structure
  • Road guard elements
  • Road sign elements
  • Road paving components
  • Utilities
    • Lighting, telecom and power
    • Storm-water, surface-water and drainage systems
    • Other underground facilities located in the road body.
  • paved surfaces of:
    • parking lots
    • service areas
    • toll plazas
    • parking buildings
    • ferry ports
    • airports

The following topics are out of scope:

  • equipment and buildings of the above listed paved surfaces;
  • railway crossings;
  • tramways;
  • city scape / urban planning.

7.9.2 Types

  1. IfcKerbTypeEnum
  2. IfcRoadPartTypeEnum
  3. IfcRoadTypeEnum

7.9.3 Entities

  1. IfcKerb
  2. IfcKerbType
  3. IfcRoad
  4. IfcRoadPart

7.9.4 Property Sets

  1. Pset_BoundedCourseCommon
  2. Pset_CourseApplicationConditions
  3. Pset_CourseCommon
  4. Pset_KerbCommon
  5. Pset_KerbStone
  6. Pset_MarkingLinesCommon
  7. Pset_OnSiteCastKerb
  8. Pset_PavementCommon
  9. Pset_PavementMillingCommon
  10. Pset_PavementSurfaceCommon
  11. Pset_PrecastKerbStone
  12. Pset_RadiiKerbStone
  13. Pset_RoadDesignCriteriaCommon
  14. Pset_RoadGuardElement
  15. Pset_RoadMarkingCommon
  16. Pset_RoadSymbolsCommon
  17. Pset_SumpBusterCommon
  18. Pset_Superelevation
  19. Pset_TrafficCalmingDeviceCommon
  20. Pset_TransitionSectionCommon
  21. Pset_TrenchExcavationCommon
  22. Pset_Width

7.9.5 Quantity Sets

No resources are available in this category.

7.9.6 Functions

No resources are available in this category.

7.9.7 Rules

No resources are available in this category.

7.9.8 PropertyEnumerations

  1. PEnum_CurveShapeEnum
  2. PEnum_TransitionSuperelevationType
  3. PEnum_TransitionWidthType

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