IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

7.11 IfcStructuralElementsDomain

7.11.1 Schema definition

The schema IfcStructuralElementsDomain provides the ability to represent different kinds of building elements and building element parts which in general are of structural nature. In addition to generally used building elements already defined in the IfcSharedBldgElements schema, the schema contains entities for representing foundation parts, such as footings and piles, as well as some important structural subparts included in other building elements, such as different kinds of explicit reinforcement parts, and manufactured features and treatments.

7.11.2 Types

  1. IfcBendingParameterSelect
  2. IfcCaissonFoundationTypeEnum
  3. IfcFootingTypeEnum
  4. IfcPileConstructionEnum
  5. IfcPileTypeEnum
  6. IfcReinforcingBarTypeEnum
  7. IfcReinforcingMeshTypeEnum
  8. IfcSurfaceFeatureTypeEnum
  9. IfcTendonAnchorTypeEnum
  10. IfcTendonConduitTypeEnum
  11. IfcTendonTypeEnum
  12. IfcVoidingFeatureTypeEnum

7.11.3 Entities

  1. IfcCaissonFoundation
  2. IfcCaissonFoundationType
  3. IfcDeepFoundation
  4. IfcDeepFoundationType
  5. IfcFooting
  6. IfcFootingType
  7. IfcPile
  8. IfcPileType
  9. IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties
  10. IfcReinforcingBar
  11. IfcReinforcingBarType
  12. IfcReinforcingElement
  13. IfcReinforcingElementType
  14. IfcReinforcingMesh
  15. IfcReinforcingMeshType
  16. IfcSurfaceFeature
  17. IfcTendon
  18. IfcTendonAnchor
  19. IfcTendonAnchorType
  20. IfcTendonConduit
  21. IfcTendonConduitType
  22. IfcTendonType
  23. IfcVoidingFeature

7.11.4 Property Sets

  1. Pset_ConcreteElementGeneral
  2. Pset_FootingCommon
  3. Pset_PileCommon
  4. Pset_PrecastConcreteElementFabrication
  5. Pset_PrecastConcreteElementGeneral
  6. Pset_PrecastSlab
  7. Pset_ReinforcementBarCountOfIndependentFooting
  8. Pset_ReinforcementBarPitchOfBeam
  9. Pset_ReinforcementBarPitchOfColumn
  10. Pset_ReinforcementBarPitchOfContinuousFooting
  11. Pset_ReinforcementBarPitchOfSlab
  12. Pset_ReinforcementBarPitchOfWall

7.11.5 Quantity Sets

  1. Qto_FootingBaseQuantities
  2. Qto_PileBaseQuantities
  3. Qto_ReinforcingElementBaseQuantities

7.11.6 Functions

No resources are available in this category.

7.11.7 Rules

No resources are available in this category.

7.11.8 PropertyEnumerations

  1. PEnum_ConcreteCastingMethod
  2. PEnum_ReinforcementBarAllocationType
  3. PEnum_ReinforcementBarType

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