IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

7.7 IfcPortsAndWaterwaysDomain

7.7.1 Schema definition

The IfcPortsAndWaterwaysDomain schema forms part of the Domain Layer of the IFC Model. It extends the ideas concerning infrastructure outlined in the IfcSharedInfrastructureElements schema. It defines concepts specific to ports and waterways infrastructure.

The concepts which are currently considered as in scope and covered by this schema is as follows:

  • Complex types
    • Cargo ports (Container, dry bulk, liquid bulk, roll-on roll-off)
    • Passenger terminals (cruise, ferry & foot traffic)
    • Marinas & leisure terminals
    • Ship & boat building yards
    • Marine & water maintenance
    • Offshore support/construction base
    • Canal complexes/networks
    • Channel regulation & water control
    • Ship lock complexes
  • Facility types
    • Breakwaters
    • Revetments
    • Sluices, spillways &control gates
    • Ship-lifts
    • Hydraulic lift docks
    • Slipways
    • Dry docks
    • Floating docks
    • Wharf/Quays & Piers/Jetties
    • Ship locks
    • Anchorages
    • Navigational channels/areas
    • Storage/working areas
    • Intermodal yards/areas
  • Marine Products & Components
    • Cargo & Vehicles
    • Cranes
    • Marine dock/lock gates
    • Aids to navigation (buoys, lights, markers etc.)
    • Fenders & bollards
    • Mooring systems & devices
    • Rock armour systems

The following topics are currently out of scope: * Complex types * Coastal protection * Erosion protection * Flood protection * Power generation (Hydroelectric, tidal, wave, offshore wind) * Facility types * Seawalls * Groynes * Dams/levees * Weirs

7.7.2 Types

  1. IfcConveyorSegmentTypeEnum
  2. IfcLiquidTerminalTypeEnum
  3. IfcMarineFacilityTypeEnum
  4. IfcMarinePartTypeEnum
  5. IfcMooringDeviceTypeEnum
  6. IfcNavigationElementTypeEnum

7.7.3 Entities

  1. IfcConveyorSegment
  2. IfcConveyorSegmentType
  3. IfcLiquidTerminal
  4. IfcLiquidTerminalType
  5. IfcMarineFacility
  6. IfcMarinePart
  7. IfcMooringDevice
  8. IfcMooringDeviceType
  9. IfcNavigationElement
  10. IfcNavigationElementType

7.7.4 Property Sets

  1. Pset_BerthCommon
  2. Pset_BreakwaterCommon
  3. Pset_CargoCommon
  4. Pset_EnergyRequirements
  5. Pset_FenderCommon
  6. Pset_FenderDesignCriteria
  7. Pset_GateHeadCommon
  8. Pset_JettyCommon
  9. Pset_JettyDesignCriteria
  10. Pset_MarineFacilityTransportation
  11. Pset_MarinePartChamberCommon
  12. Pset_MarineVehicleCommon
  13. Pset_MarineVehicleDesignCriteria
  14. Pset_MooringDeviceCommon
  15. Pset_QuayCommon
  16. Pset_QuayDesignCriteria
  17. Pset_RevetmentCommon
  18. Pset_ShipLockCommon
  19. Pset_ShiplockComplex
  20. Pset_ShiplockDesignCriteria
  21. Pset_ShipyardCommon
  22. Pset_SiteWeather
  23. Pset_VehicleAvailability
  24. Pset_VesselLineCommon

7.7.5 Quantity Sets

  1. Qto_FacilityPartBaseQuantities
  2. Qto_MarineFacilityBaseQuantities
  3. Qto_VehicleBaseQuantities

7.7.6 Functions

No resources are available in this category.

7.7.7 Rules

No resources are available in this category.

7.7.8 PropertyEnumerations

  1. PEnum_AddedMassCoefficientMethod
  2. PEnum_AdditionalProcessing
  3. PEnum_AnchorageType
  4. PEnum_BerthApproach
  5. PEnum_BerthMode
  6. PEnum_FenderType
  7. PEnum_MooringDeviceType
  8. PEnum_ProcessDirection