IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_CompressorPHistory Semantic definition

Compressor performance history attributes. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
CompressorCapacity IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

The product of the ideal capacity and the overall volumetric efficiency of the compressor.

EnergyEfficiencyRatio IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Energy efficiency ratio (EER).

CoefficientOfPerformance IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

The Coefficient of performance (COP) is the ratio of heat removed to energy input. The energy input may be obtained by multiplying Pset_DistributionPortPHistoryGas.FlowRate on the 'Fuel' port of the IfcChiller by Pset_MaterialFuel.LowerHeatingValue. The IfcDistributionPort for fuel has an associated IfcMaterial with fuel properties and is assigned to an IfcPerformanceHistory object nested within this IfcPerformanceHistory object.

VolumetricEfficiency IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Ratio of the actual volume of gas entering the compressor to the theoretical displacement of the compressor.

CompressionEfficiency IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Ratio of the work required for isentropic compression of the gas to the work delivered to the gas within the compression volume (as obtained by measurement).

MechanicalEfficiency IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

The objects operational mechanical efficiency.

Ratio of the work (as measured) delivered to the gas to the work input to the compressor shaft.

IsentropicEfficiency IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Ratio of the work required for isentropic compression of the gas to work input to the compressor shaft.

CompressorTotalEfficiency IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Ratio of the thermal cooling capacity to electrical input.

ShaftPower IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

The actual shaft power input to the compressor.

InputPower IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Input power to the compressor motor.

LubricantPumpHeatGain IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Lubricant pump heat gain.

FrictionHeatGain IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Friction heat gain.

CompressorTotalHeatGain IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Compressor total heat gain.

FullLoadRatio IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Ratio of actual power to full load power as a quadratic function of part load, at certain condensing and evaporating temperature, FracFullLoadPower = f ( PartLoadRatio).


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