Pset_CoolingTowerPHistory Semantic definition
Cooling tower performance history attributes. Applicable entities Properties
Name | Property Type | Data Type | Description | |
Capacity | IfcPropertyReferenceValue | IfcTimeSeries |
The capacity of the element. Heat transfer rate of the cooling tower between air stream and water stream. |
HeatTransferCoefficient | IfcPropertyReferenceValue | IfcTimeSeries |
Heat transfer coefficient-area product. |
SumpHeaterPower | IfcPropertyReferenceValue | IfcTimeSeries |
Electrical heat power of sump heater. |
UACurve | IfcPropertyReferenceValue | IfcTimeSeries |
UA value. As a function of fan speed at certain water flow rate, UA = f ( fan speed). |
Performance | IfcPropertyReferenceValue | IfcTimeSeries |
Water temperature change as a function of wet-bulb temperature, water entering temperature, water flow rate, air flow rate, Tdiff = f ( Twet-bulb, Twater,in, mwater, mair). |