IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_OnSiteCastKerb Semantic definition

Properties for an on site cast kerb. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
NominalHeight IfcPropertySingleValue IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure

The nominal height of the object. The size information is provided in addition to the shape representation and the geometric parameters used within. In cases of inconsistency between the geometric parameters and the size properties, provided in the attached property set, the geometric parameters take precedence.

NominalWidth IfcPropertySingleValue IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure

The nominal overall width of the object. The size information is provided in addition to the shape representation and the geometric parameters used within. In cases of inconsistency between the geometric parameters and the size properties, provided in the attached property set, the geometric parameters take precedence.


Edit on Github

2 contributor(s):
Last change: Improve definition split (#876) * bring back headers headers were previously removed by mistake, now bringing them back * add new lines and rename the tag add the word 'short' in it * unify newlines make exactly one newline before and two after the tag * resolving typos Because bringing back headers required to go back in time to previous version, I'm now re-resolving the issues: #861, #860, #856 by ArturTomczak on 7/16/2024, 2:07:28 PM

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