IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_ProtectiveDeviceBreakerUnitI2TCurve Semantic definition

A coherent set of attributes representing a curve for let-through energy of a protective device. Note - A protective device may be associated with different instances of this pSet providing information related to different basic characteristics Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
VoltageLevel IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_VoltageLevels

The voltage levels for which the data of the instance is valid. More than one value may be selected in the enumeration.

NominalCurrent IfcPropertySingleValue IfcElectricCurrentMeasure

The nominal current that is designed to be measured.

A set of nominal currents in [A] for which the data of this instance is valid. At least one value shall be provided. Any value in the set shall not exceed the value of the UltimateRatedCurrent associated with the same breaker unit.

BreakerUnitCurve IfcPropertyTableValue IfcReal/IfcElectricCurrentMeasure

A curve that establishes the let through energy of a breaker unit when a particular prospective current is applied. Note that the breaker unit curve is defined within a Cartesian coordinate system and this fact must be asserted within the property set:

(1) Defining value: ProspectiveCurrent: A list of minimum 2 and maximum 16 numbers providing the currents in [A] for points in the current/I2t log/log coordinate space. The curve is drawn as a straight line between two consecutive points. (2) Defined value: LetThroughEnergy: A list of minimum 2 and maximum 16 numbers providing the let-through energy, I2t, in [A2s] for points in the current/I2t log/log coordinate space. The curve is drawn as a straight line between two consecutive points.


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