Pset_SolidStratumCapacity Semantic definition
Properties expressing the capacity of a stratum using physical measures. Regional and National conventions should be captured through classification and specific property sets. Applicable entities
- IfcGeotechnicalStratum/SOLID Properties
Name | Property Type | Data Type | Description | |
CohesionBehaviour | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcPressureMeasure |
Cohesive shear strength of a rock or soil that is independent of interparticle friction. |
FrictionAngle | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcPlaneAngleMeasure |
Friction angle is the tested inclination angle from horizontal. |
FrictionBehaviour | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcPressureMeasure |
Friction shear strength of a rock or soil that is dependent on interparticle friction. |
GrainSize | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcPositiveLengthMeasure |
Grain size diameter. |
HydraulicConductivity | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcLinearVelocityMeasure |
Hydraulic Conductivity (permeability) of soil for water, given with the K or Kf value in m/s |
LoadBearingCapacity | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcPlanarForceMeasure |
Maximum load bearing capacity of the floor structure throughout the storey as designed. |
NValue | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcCountMeasure |
Blow count from standard penetration testing, to ISO 22476-3, ASTM D1586[1] and Australian Standards AS 1289.6.3.1, which correlates to other engineering properties of soils. |
PermeabilityBehaviour | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcRatioMeasure |
Proportionality constant in Darcy's law which relates flow rate and viscosity to a pressure gradient applied to the porous media. |
PoisonsRatio | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcRatioMeasure |
Ratio of transverse contraction strain to longitudinal extension strain in the direction of stretching force. |
PwaveVelocity | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcLinearVelocityMeasure |
P-wave velocity of a rock or soil. |
Resistivity | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcElectricResistanceMeasure |
Electrical resistivity of a rock or soil (Ohm-m). |
SettlementBehaviour | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcPressureMeasure |
Estimate of the settlement/compaction behaviour of the stratum. |
SwaveVelocity | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcLinearVelocityMeasure |
S-wave velocity of a rock or soil. |