IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Qto_SlabBaseQuantities Semantic definition

Base quantities that are common to the definition of all occurrences of slabs. Applicable entities Properties

Name Data Type Description
Width IfcQuantityLength

The width of the object. Only given, if the object has constant thickness (prismatic).

Length IfcQuantityLength

The length of the object.

Only provided if rectangular.

Depth IfcQuantityLength

The depth of the object.

Depth (one direction of the non-projected foot print area) of the slab. It shall only be provided, if the slab is rectangular.NOTE Also referred to as width, but not to be confused with the "Width" quantity, that denotes the thickness in the context of the slab.

Perimeter IfcQuantityLength

Perimeter of the object.

Perimeter measured along the outer boundaries of the slab. Only given, if the slab is prismatic (constant thickness).

GrossArea IfcQuantityArea

Gross Area of the object. Openings, recesses, projections and cut-outs are not taken into account.

Indicates the extruded area of the element. Only given, if the element is prismatic.

NetArea IfcQuantityArea

Total net area of the object. Openings, recesses and cut-outs are taken into account by subtraction, projections by addition.

Indicates the extruded area of the object. Only given when prismatic.

GrossVolume IfcQuantityVolume

Total gross volume of the object. Openings, recesses, enclosed objects and projections are not taken into account.

NetVolume IfcQuantityVolume

Total net volume of the object, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.

Total net volume of the slab. Openings and recesses are taken into account by subtraction, projections by addition.

GrossWeight IfcQuantityWeight

Total Gross Weight of the object without any add-on parts and not taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.

NetWeight IfcQuantityWeight

Total net weight of the object without add-on parts, taking into account possible processing features (cut-out's, etc.) or openings and recesses.


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