IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

Listing of tables

  1. Axis conversions
  2. Bounded property with values, measure types and units. Where rules ensures same measure type for all values
  3. Different constraints that can be applied to a start date
  4. Different constraints that can be applied to a start date
  5. Enumerated property with values, measure types and units
  6. List property with values, measure types and units
  7. Measures and units
  8. Property enumeration with enumerators
  9. Property enumeration with values, measure types and units
  10. Representation identifiers
  11. Representation types
  12. Single value properties with values, measure types and units
  13. Standard unit names
  14. Table value property with values, measure types and units
  15. Texture parameters
  16. Texture parameters
  17. Texture parameters
  18. Texture parameters
  19. Which texture nodes are applicable in different reflectance methods.