IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development

8.12 IfcPresentationAppearanceResource

8.12.1 Schema definition

The schema IfcPresentationAppearanceResource defines the resources used for geometric representations and presentations of styled items. The primary application of this resource is for presenting the annotation occurrences of curve, text, filled area, symbol, and surfaces.

The following is within the scope of the presentation resource schemas:

  • definition of presentation style attributes for realistic and symbolic visualizations of geometric and non-geometric displayable elements in the product information, including presentation styles for
    • curve
    • text
    • filled area
    • surface
  • support of curve styles;
  • support of externally defined character fonts and symbols;
  • support of pre defined character fonts and symbols;
  • support of surface rendering and lighting properties;
  • support of textures applied to surfaces and csg primitives;
  • support of textures applied to tessellated face sets
  • support of colours applied to tessellated face sets
  • image control by a layer mechanism.

8.12.2 Types

  1. IfcColour
  2. IfcColourOrFactor
  3. IfcCurveFontOrScaledCurveFontSelect
  4. IfcCurveStyleFontSelect
  5. IfcFillStyleSelect
  6. IfcFontStyle
  7. IfcFontVariant
  8. IfcFontWeight
  9. IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect
  10. IfcPresentableText
  11. IfcReflectanceMethodEnum
  12. IfcSizeSelect
  13. IfcSpecularExponent
  14. IfcSpecularHighlightSelect
  15. IfcSpecularRoughness
  16. IfcSurfaceSide
  17. IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect
  18. IfcTextAlignment
  19. IfcTextDecoration
  20. IfcTextFontName
  21. IfcTextFontSelect
  22. IfcTextTransformation

8.12.3 Entities

  1. IfcBlobTexture
  2. IfcColourRgb
  3. IfcColourRgbList
  4. IfcColourSpecification
  5. IfcCurveStyle
  6. IfcCurveStyleFont
  7. IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling
  8. IfcCurveStyleFontPattern
  9. IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour
  10. IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont
  11. IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle
  12. IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle
  13. IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont
  14. IfcFillAreaStyle
  15. IfcFillAreaStyleHatching
  16. IfcFillAreaStyleTiles
  17. IfcImageTexture
  18. IfcIndexedColourMap
  19. IfcIndexedPolygonalTextureMap
  20. IfcIndexedTextureMap
  21. IfcIndexedTriangleTextureMap
  22. IfcPixelTexture
  23. IfcPreDefinedColour
  24. IfcPreDefinedCurveFont
  25. IfcPreDefinedItem
  26. IfcPreDefinedTextFont
  27. IfcPresentationStyle
  28. IfcStyledItem
  29. IfcSurfaceStyle
  30. IfcSurfaceStyleLighting
  31. IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction
  32. IfcSurfaceStyleRendering
  33. IfcSurfaceStyleShading
  34. IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures
  35. IfcSurfaceTexture
  36. IfcTextStyle
  37. IfcTextStyleFontModel
  38. IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont
  39. IfcTextStyleTextModel
  40. IfcTextureCoordinate
  41. IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator
  42. IfcTextureCoordinateIndices
  43. IfcTextureCoordinateIndicesWithVoids
  44. IfcTextureMap
  45. IfcTextureVertex
  46. IfcTextureVertexList

8.12.4 Property Sets

No resources are available in this category.

8.12.5 Quantity Sets

No resources are available in this category.

8.12.6 Functions

  1. IfcCorrectFillAreaStyle

8.12.7 Rules

No resources are available in this category.

8.12.8 PropertyEnumerations

No resources are available in this category.

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