IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_FilterTypeAirParticleFilter Semantic definition

Air particle filter type attributes. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
AirParticleFilterType IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_FilterAirParticleFilterType

A panel dry type extended surface filter is a dry-type air filter with random fiber mats or blankets in the forms of pockets, V-shaped or radial pleats, and include the following:

CoarseFilter: Filter with a efficiency lower than 30% for atmosphere dust-spot. CoarseMetalScreen: Filter made of metal screen. CoarseCellFoams: Filter made of cell foams. CoarseSpunGlass: Filter made of spun glass. MediumFilter: Filter with an efficiency between 30-98% for atmosphere dust-spot. MediumElectretFilter: Filter with fine electret synthetic fibers. MediumNaturalFiberFilter: Filter with natural fibers. HEPAFilter: High efficiency particulate air filter. ULPAFilter: Ultra low penetration air filter. MembraneFilters: Filter made of membrane for certain pore diameters in flat sheet and pleated form. A renewable media with a moving curtain viscous filter are random-fiber media coated with viscous substance in roll form or curtain where fresh media is fed across the face of the filter and the dirty media is rewound onto a roll at the bottom or to into a reservoir: RollForm: Viscous filter used in roll form. AdhesiveReservoir: Viscous filter used in moving curtain form. A renewable moving curtain dry media filter is a random-fiber dry media of relatively high porosity used in moving-curtain(roll) filters. An electrical filter uses electrostatic precipitation to remove and collect particulate contaminants.

FrameMaterial IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcMaterialDefinition

Filter frame material.

SeparationType IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_FilterAirParticleFilterSeparationType

Air particulate filter media separation type.

DustHoldingCapacity IfcPropertySingleValue IfcMassMeasure

Maximum filter dust holding capacity.

FaceSurfaceArea IfcPropertySingleValue IfcAreaMeasure

Face area of filter frame.

MediaExtendedArea IfcPropertySingleValue IfcAreaMeasure

Total extended media area.

NominalCountedEfficiency IfcPropertySingleValue IfcReal

Nominal filter efficiency based the particle count concentration before and after the filter against particles with a certain size distribution.

NominalWeightedEfficiency IfcPropertySingleValue IfcReal

Nominal filter efficiency based the particle weight concentration before and after the filter against particles with a certain size distribution.

PressureDropCurve IfcPropertyTableValue IfcPressureMeasure/IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure

Under certain dust holding weight, DelPressure = f (fluidflowRate)

CountedEfficiencyCurve IfcPropertyTableValue IfcReal/IfcMassMeasure

Counted efficiency curve as a function of dust holding weight, efficiency = f (dust holding weight).

WeightedEfficiencyCurve IfcPropertyTableValue IfcReal/IfcMassMeasure

Weighted efficiency curve as a function of dust holding weight, efficiency = f (dust holding weight).


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