IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_MaterialMechanical Semantic definition

A set of mechanical material properties normally used for structural analysis purpose. It contains all properties which are independent of the actual material type. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
DynamicViscosity IfcPropertySingleValue IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure

A measure of the viscous resistance of the material.

YoungModulus IfcPropertySingleValue IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure

A measure of the Young's modulus of elasticity of the material.

ShearModulus IfcPropertySingleValue IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure

A measure of the shear modulus of elasticity of the material.

PoissonRatio IfcPropertySingleValue IfcPositiveRatioMeasure

A measure of the lateral deformations in the elastic range.

ThermalExpansionCoefficient IfcPropertySingleValue IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure

Quantity characterizing the variation with thermodynamic temperature T of the distance l between two points of a body, under given conditions (IEC 113-04-27). The ratio is defined per Kelvin.


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2 contributor(s):
Last change: Improve definition split (#876) * bring back headers headers were previously removed by mistake, now bringing them back * add new lines and rename the tag add the word 'short' in it * unify newlines make exactly one newline before and two after the tag * resolving typos Because bringing back headers required to go back in time to previous version, I'm now re-resolving the issues: #861, #860, #856 by ArturTomczak on 7/16/2024, 2:07:28 PM

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