IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_ControllerTypeTwoPosition Semantic definition

Properties for signal handling for an analog controller taking disparate valued multiple inputs and creating a single valued binary output.

HISTORY: In IFC4, extended properties to replace Pset_BinaryInput and Pset_BinaryOutput. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
ControlType IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_ControllerTwoPositionType

The type controller, signal modification effected and applicable ports

LOWERLIMITSWITCH: Single analog input is read and if less than Value.LowerBound then True is written to the output value. UPPERLIMITSWITCH: Single analog input is read and if more than Value.UpperBound then True is written to the output value. LOWERBANDSWITCH: Single analog input is read and if less than Value.LowerBound+BandWidth then True is written to the output value. UPPERBANDSWITCH: Single analog input is read and if more than Value.UpperBound-BandWidth then True is written to the output value. NOT: Single binary input is read and the opposite value is written to the output value. AND: Two binary inputs are read and if both are True then True is written to the output value. OR: Two binary inputs are read and if either is True then True is written to the output value. XOR: Two binary inputs are read and if one is true then True is written to the output value. CALENDAR: No inputs; the current time is compared with an IfcWorkCalendar to which the IfcController is assigned and True is written if active. INPUT: Controller element is a dedicated input. OUTPUT: Controller element is a dedicated output. VARIABLE: Controller element is an in-memory variable.

Labels IfcPropertyTableValue IfcLabel/IfcBoolean

Table mapping values to labels

Labels indicate the meanings of True and False, such as 'Open' and 'Closed'

Polarity IfcPropertySingleValue IfcBoolean

True indicates normal polarity; False indicates reverse polarity.

Value IfcPropertySingleValue IfcBoolean

The expected range and default value.

The default value such as normally-closed or normally-open.


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