IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_SpaceHeaterPHistory Semantic definition

Space heater performance history common attributes. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
FractionRadiantHeatTransfer IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Fraction of the total heat transfer rate as the radiant heat transfer.

FractionConvectiveHeatTransfer IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Fraction of the total heat transfer rate as the convective heat transfer.

Effectiveness IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Effectiveness, represented as ratio.

Ratio of the real heat transfer rate to the maximum possible heat transfer rate.

SurfaceTemperature IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Average surface temperature of the component.

SpaceAirTemperature IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Dry bulb temperature in the space.

SpaceMeanRadiantTemperature IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Mean radiant temperature in the space.

AuxiliaryEnergySourceConsumption IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Auxiliary energy source consumption.

UACurve IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

UA value.

As a function of ambient temperature and surface temperature; UA = f (Tambient, Tsurface)

OutputCapacityCurve IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Partial output capacity curve (as a function of water temperature); Q = f (Twater).

AirResistanceCurve IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Air resistance curve (w/ fan only); Pressure = f ( flow rate).

CharacteristicExponent IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Characteristic exponent, slope of log(heat output) vs log (surface temperature minus environmental temperature).

HeatOutputRate IfcPropertyReferenceValue IfcTimeSeries

Overall heat transfer rate.


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  • New resource IFC4.3_DEV_7e95fe8

  • property, CharacteristicExponent
  • property, Exponent