IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development Pset_DamperTypeCommon Semantic definition

Damper type common attributes. Applicable entities Properties

Name Property Type Data Type Description
Reference IfcPropertySingleValue IfcIdentifier

Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1'), Also referred to as "construction type". It should be provided as an alternative to the name of the "object type", if the software does not support object types and no classification reference to a recognized classification system used.

Status IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_ElementStatus

Status of the element, predominately used in renovation or retrofitting projects. The status can be assigned to as "New" - element designed as new addition, "Existing" - element exists and remains, "Demolish" - element existed but is to be demolished, "Temporary" - element will exists only temporary (like a temporary support structure).

Operation IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_DamperOperation

The operational mechanism for the damper operation.

Orientation IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_DamperOrientation

The intended orientation for the damper as specified by the manufacturer.

BladeThickness IfcPropertySingleValue IfcPositiveLengthMeasure

The thickness of the damper blade.

BladeAction IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_DamperBladeAction

Blade action.

BladeShape IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_DamperBladeShape

Blade shape. Flat means triple V-groove.

BladeEdge IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue PEnum_DamperBladeEdge

Blade edge.

NumberofBlades IfcPropertySingleValue IfcInteger

Number of blades.

FaceArea IfcPropertySingleValue IfcAreaMeasure

Face area open to the airstream.

MaximumAirFlowRate IfcPropertySingleValue IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure

Maximum allowable air flow rate.

TemperatureRange IfcPropertyBoundedValue IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure

Allowable maximum and minimum temperature.

MaximumWorkingPressure IfcPropertySingleValue IfcPressureMeasure

Maximum pressure that the object is manufactured to withstand.

TemperatureRating IfcPropertySingleValue IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure

Temperature rating.

NominalAirFlowRate IfcPropertySingleValue IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure

Nominal air flow rate.

OpenPressureDrop IfcPropertySingleValue IfcPressureMeasure

Total pressure drop across damper.

LeakageFullyClosed IfcPropertySingleValue IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure

Leakage when fully closed.

LossCoefficentCurve IfcPropertyTableValue IfcReal/IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure

Loss coefficient – blade position angle curve; ratio of pressure drop to velocity pressure versus blade angle; C = f (blade angle position).

LeakageCurve IfcPropertyTableValue IfcPressureMeasure/IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure

Leakage versus pressure drop; Leakage = f (pressure).

RegeneratedSoundCurve IfcPropertyTableValue IfcSoundPressureMeasure/IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure

Regenerated sound versus air flow rate.

FrameType IfcPropertySingleValue IfcLabel

The type of frame used by the damper (e.g., Standard, Single Flange, Single Reversed Flange, Double Flange, etc.).

FrameDepth IfcPropertySingleValue IfcPositiveLengthMeasure

The length (or depth) of the frame.

For a damper, it is the length (or depth) of the damper frame.

FrameThickness IfcPropertySingleValue IfcPositiveLengthMeasure

The thickness of the frame.

For a damper, it is the thickness of the damper frame material.

CloseOffRating IfcPropertySingleValue IfcPressureMeasure

Close off rating.


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