IfcDeepFoundation Semantic definition
Deep foundation is a type of foundation that transfers loads deeper than shallow foundation below the soft soils not capable of bearing the above structure. Depending on the soil strength it might have to reach down to the rock layer.
Deep foundation is a new supertype incorporating the existing IfcPile and the new IfcCaissonFoundation. Entity inheritance
- IfcDeepFoundation
- IfcBeam
- IfcBearing
- IfcBuildingElementProxy
- IfcChimney
- IfcColumn
- IfcCourse
- IfcCovering
- IfcCurtainWall
- IfcDoor
- IfcEarthworksElement
- IfcFooting
- IfcKerb
- IfcMember
- IfcMooringDevice
- IfcNavigationElement
- IfcPavement
- IfcPlate
- IfcRail
- IfcRailing
- IfcRamp
- IfcRampFlight
- IfcRoof
- IfcShadingDevice
- IfcSlab
- IfcStair
- IfcStairFlight
- IfcTrackElement
- IfcWall
- IfcWindow Attributes
# | Attribute | Type | Description |
IfcRoot (4) | |||
IfcObjectDefinition (7) | |||
IfcObject (5) | |||
IfcProduct (5) | |||
Click to show 21 hidden inherited attributes Click to hide 21 inherited attributes | |||
IfcElement (13) | |||
8 | Tag | OPTIONAL IfcIdentifier |
The tag (or label) identifier at the particular instance of a product, e.g. the serial number, or the position number. It is the identifier at the occurrence level. |
FillsVoids | SET [0:1] OF IfcRelFillsElement FOR RelatedBuildingElement |
Reference to the IfcRelFillsElement relationship that puts the element as a filling into the opening created within another element. |
ConnectedTo | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelConnectsElements FOR RelatingElement |
Reference to the element connection relationship. The relationship then refers to the other element to which this element is connected to. |
IsInterferedByElements | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelInterferesElements FOR RelatedElement |
Reference to the interference relationship to indicate the element that is interfered. The relationship, if provided, indicates that this element has an interference with one or many other elements. |
InterferesElements | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelInterferesElements FOR RelatingElement |
Reference to the interference relationship to indicate the element that interferes. The relationship, if provided, indicates that this element has an interference with one or many other elements. |
HasProjections | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelProjectsElement FOR RelatingElement |
Projection relationship that adds a feature (using a Boolean union) to the IfcBuiltElement. |
HasOpenings | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelVoidsElement FOR RelatingBuildingElement |
Reference to the IfcRelVoidsElement relationship that creates an opening in an element. An element can incorporate zero-to-many openings. For each opening, that voids the element, a new relationship IfcRelVoidsElement is generated. |
IsConnectionRealization | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements FOR RealizingElements |
Reference to the connection relationship with realizing element. The relationship, if provided, assigns this element as the realizing element to the connection, which provides the physical manifestation of the connection relationship. |
ProvidesBoundaries | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelSpaceBoundary FOR RelatedBuildingElement |
Reference to space boundaries by virtue of the objectified relationship IfcRelSpaceBoundary. It defines the concept of an element bounding spaces. |
ConnectedFrom | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelConnectsElements FOR RelatedElement |
Reference to the element connection relationship. The relationship then refers to the other element that is connected to this element. |
ContainedInStructure | SET [0:1] OF IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure FOR RelatedElements |
Containment relationship to the spatial structure element, to which the element is primarily associated. This containment relationship has to be hierarchical, i.e. an element may only be assigned directly to zero or one spatial structure. |
HasCoverings | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelCoversBldgElements FOR RelatingBuildingElement |
Reference to IfcCovering by virtue of the objectified relationship IfcRelCoversBldgElements. It defines the concept of an element having coverings associated. |
HasSurfaceFeatures | SET [0:?] OF IfcRelAdheresToElement FOR RelatingElement |
Reference to the IfcRelAdheresToElement relationship that adheres a IfcSurfaceFeature to an element. An element can incorporate zero-to-many surface features in one relationship. | Formal propositions
Name | Description | ||||
CorrectTypeAssigned |
Either there is no deep foundation type object associated, i.e. the IsTypedBy inverse relationship is not provided, or the associated type object has to be of type IfcDeepFoundationType. |
| Property sets
- AssessmentDate
- AssessmentCondition
- AssessmentDescription
- AssessmentType
- AssessmentMethod
- LastAssessmentReport
- NextAssessmentDate
- AssessmentFrequency
- ProcurementMethod
- SpecificationSectionNumber
- SubmittalIdentifer
- InstallationDate
- ModelNumber
- TagNumber
- AssetIdentifier
- CyclicPath
- CyclicRange
- LinearPath
- LinearRange
- MaximumAngularVelocity
- MaximumConstantSpeed
- MinimumTime
- ReferenceAirRelativeHumidity
- ReferenceEnvironmentTemperature
- MaximumAtmosphericPressure
- StorageTemperatureRange
- MaximumWindSpeed
- OperationalTemperatureRange
- MaximumRainIntensity
- SaltMistLevel
- SeismicResistance
- SmokeLevel
- MaximumSolarRadiation
- Reference
- FunctionalUnitReference
- IndicatorsUnit
- LifeCyclePhase
- ExpectedServiceLife
- TotalPrimaryEnergyConsumptionPerUnit
- WaterConsumptionPerUnit
- HazardousWastePerUnit
- NonHazardousWastePerUnit
- ClimateChangePerUnit
- AtmosphericAcidificationPerUnit
- RenewableEnergyConsumptionPerUnit
- NonRenewableEnergyConsumptionPerUnit
- ResourceDepletionPerUnit
- InertWastePerUnit
- RadioactiveWastePerUnit
- StratosphericOzoneLayerDestructionPerUnit
- PhotochemicalOzoneFormationPerUnit
- EutrophicationPerUnit
- TotalPrimaryEnergyConsumption
- WaterConsumption
- HazardousWaste
- NonHazardousWaste
- ClimateChange
- AtmosphericAcidification
- RenewableEnergyConsumption
- NonRenewableEnergyConsumption
- ResourceDepletion
- InertWaste
- RadioactiveWaste
- StratosphericOzoneLayerDestruction
- PhotochemicalOzoneFormation
- Eutrophication
- LeadInTime
- Duration
- LeadOutTime
- InstallationDate
- AcceptanceDate
- PutIntoOperationDate
- AssetCriticality
- AssetFrailty
- AssetPriority
- MonitoringType
- AccidentResponse
- ConditionTargetPerformance
- ConditionMaintenanceLevel
- ConditionReplacementLevel
- ConditionDisposalLevel
- DurationTargetPerformance
- DurationMaintenanceLevel
- DurationReplacementLevel
- DurationDisposalLevel
- TargetPerformance
- PerformanceMaintenanceLevel
- ReplacementLevel
- DisposalLevel
- AcquisitionDate
- BarCode
- SerialNumber
- BatchReference
- AssemblyPlace
- ManufacturingDate
- GlobalTradeItemNumber
- ArticleNumber
- ModelReference
- ModelLabel
- Manufacturer
- ProductionYear
- AssemblyPlace
- OperationalDocument
- SafetyDocument
- PerformanceCertificate
- RepairContent
- RepairDate
- MeanTimeToRepair
- RiskName
- RiskType
- NatureOfRisk
- RiskAssessmentMethodology
- UnmitigatedRiskLikelihood
- UnmitigatedRiskConsequence
- UnmitigatedRiskSignificance
- MitigationPlanned
- MitigatedRiskLikelihood
- MitigatedRiskConsequence
- MitigatedRiskSignificance
- MitigationProposed
- AssociatedProduct
- AssociatedActivity
- AssociatedLocation
- ServiceLifeDuration
- MeanTimeBetweenFailure
- ToleranceDescription
- ToleranceBasis
- OverallTolerance
- HorizontalTolerance
- OrthogonalTolerance
- VerticalTolerance
- PlanarFlatness
- HorizontalFlatness
- ElevationalFlatness
- SideFlatness
- OverallOrthogonality
- HorizontalOrthogonality
- OrthogonalOrthogonality
- VerticalOrthogonality
- OverallStraightness
- HorizontalStraightness
- OrthogonalStraightness
- VerticalStraightness
- UncertaintyBasis
- UncertaintyDescription
- HorizontalUncertainty
- LinearUncertainty
- OrthogonalUncertainty
- VerticalUncertainty
- WarrantyIdentifier
- WarrantyStartDate
- IsExtendedWarranty
- WarrantyPeriod
- WarrantyContent
- PointOfContact
- Exclusions
- GrossSurfaceArea
- NetSurfaceArea
- GrossVolume
- NetVolume
- SurfaceGenusBeforeFeatures
- SurfaceGenusAfterFeatures Concept usage
Concept | Usage | Description | |
IfcRoot (2) | |||
IfcObjectDefinition (9) | |||
IfcObject (5) | |||
IfcProduct (18) | |||
IfcElement (44) | |||
IfcBuiltElement (3) | |||
Click to show 81 hidden inherited concepts Click to hide 81 inherited concepts | |||
IfcDeepFoundation (1) | |||
Object Typing | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources: | Formal representation
ENTITY IfcDeepFoundation SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF (IfcCaissonFoundation ,IfcPile)) SUBTYPE OF (IfcBuiltElement); WHERE CorrectTypeAssigned : (SIZEOF(IsTypedBy) = 0) OR ('IFC4X3_DEV_54a9de1b.IFCDEEPFOUNDATIONTYPE' IN TYPEOF(SELF\IfcObject.IsTypedBy[1].RelatingType)); END_ENTITY;