IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development IfcCompositeProfileDef

RV ⓘ
AbV ⓘ Semantic definition

The IfcCompositeProfileDef defines the profile by composition of other profiles. The composition is given by a set of at least two other profile definitions. Any profile definition (except for another composite profile) can be used to construct the composite.

Figure illustrates the composite profile definition. The IfcCompositeProfileDef does not define an own position coordinate system, it is directly defined in the underlying coordinate system. The underlying coordinate system is defined by the swept surface or swept area solid that uses the profile definition. It is the xy plane of either:

Or in case of sectioned spines it is the xy plane of each list member of IfcSectionedSpine.CrossSectionPositions. The IfcCompositeProfileDef is defined using other profile definitions. Those other profile definitions are directly inserted into the underlying coordinate system.

  • In case of parameterized profile definitions, the Position attribute of those standard profiles is used to place the profiles relatively to each other.
  • In case of arbitrary profile definitions, each Cartesian coordinate is given directly within the underlying coordinate system.

Twin profiles special case

If twin profiles are modeled by profile composition, the base profile should only be specified once. It is then included into the composite profile directly and additionally indirectly via IfcMirroredProfileDef. For example, a double angle made of two L100x10 with 10mm air gap between them, i.e. a | | shape, can be modeled as


single_L : IfcLShapeProfileDef := IfcLShapeProfileDef(AREA, 'L100X100X10', IfcAxis2Placement2D(IfcCartesianPoint(((.100+.010)/2., .0)), ?), .100, .100, .010, .012, ?, 0., ?, ?);

double_L : IfcCompositeProfileDef := IfcCompositeProfileDef(AREA, 'double angle', (single_L, IfcMirroredProfileDef(AREA, ?, single_L, ?)), 'twin profile');

``` Entity inheritance Attributes

# Attribute Type Description
IfcProfileDef (4)
1 ProfileType IfcProfileTypeEnum

Defines the type of geometry into which this profile definition shall be resolved, either a curve or a surface area. In case of curve the profile should be referenced by a swept surface, in case of area the profile should be referenced by a swept area solid.

2 ProfileName OPTIONAL IfcLabel

Human-readable name of the profile, for example according to a standard profile table. As noted above, machine-readable standardized profile designations should be provided in IfcExternalReference.ItemReference.

HasExternalReference SET [0:?] OF IfcExternalReferenceRelationship FOR RelatedResourceObjects

Reference to external information, e.g. library, classification, or document information, which is associated with the profile.

HasProperties SET [0:?] OF IfcProfileProperties FOR ProfileDefinition

Additional properties of the profile, for example mechanical properties.

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IfcCompositeProfileDef (2)
3 Profiles SET [2:?] OF IfcProfileDef

The profiles which are used to define the composite profile.

4 Label OPTIONAL IfcLabel

The name by which the composition may be referred to. The actual meaning of the name has to be defined in the context of applications.

Table Formal propositions

Name Description

Either all profiles are areas or all profiles are curves.

SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Profiles | temp.ProfileType <> Profiles[1].ProfileType)) = 0

A composite profile should not include another composite profile, i.e. no recursive definitions should be allowed.

Table Property sets

  • Pset_ProfileMechanical
    • MassPerLength
    • CrossSectionArea
    • Perimeter
    • MinimumPlateThickness
    • MaximumPlateThickness
    • CentreOfGravityInX
    • CentreOfGravityInY
    • ShearCentreZ
    • ShearCentreY
    • MomentOfInertiaY
    • MomentOfInertiaZ
    • MomentOfInertiaYZ
    • TorsionalConstantX
    • WarpingConstant
    • ShearDeformationAreaZ
    • ShearDeformationAreaY
    • MaximumSectionModulusY
    • MinimumSectionModulusY
    • MaximumSectionModulusZ
    • MinimumSectionModulusZ
    • TorsionalSectionModulus
    • ShearAreaZ
    • ShearAreaY
    • PlasticShapeFactorY
    • PlasticShapeFactorZ Concept usage

Concept Usage Description
IfcProfileDef (1)
Property Sets for Profiles General

This concept can be applied to the following resources:

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Table Formal representation

ENTITY IfcCompositeProfileDef
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcProfileDef);
	Profiles : SET [2:?] OF IfcProfileDef;
	Label : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
	InvariantProfileType : SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Profiles | temp.ProfileType <> Profiles[1].ProfileType)) = 0;
	NoRecursion : SIZEOF(QUERY(temp <* Profiles | 'IFC4X3_DEV_7e95fe8.IFCCOMPOSITEPROFILEDEF' IN TYPEOF(temp))) = 0;
END_ENTITY; References

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  • where rule, InvariantProfileType
  • where rule, NoRecursion
  • where rule, WR1
  • where rule, WR2