IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development IfcInventory

RV ⓘ
AbV ⓘ Semantic definition

An inventory is a list of items within an enterprise.

Various types of inventory can be included. These are identified by the range of values within the inventory type enumeration which includes space, asset, and furniture. User defined inventories can also be defined for lists of particular types of element such as may be required in operating and maintenance instructions. Such inventories should be constrained to contain a list of elements of a restricted type.

There are a number of actors that can be associated with an inventory, each actor having a role. Actors within the scope of the project are indicated using the IfcRelAssignsToActor relationship in which case roles should be defined through the IfcActorRole class; otherwise principal actors are identified as attributes of the class. In the existence of both, direct attributes take precedence.

There are a number of costs that can be associated with an inventory, each cost having a role. These are specified through the CurrentValue and OriginalValue attributes. Entity inheritance Attributes

# Attribute Type Description
IfcRoot (4)
IfcObjectDefinition (7)
IfcObject (5)
IfcGroup (2)
Click to show 18 hidden inherited attributes
IfcInventory (6)
6 PredefinedType OPTIONAL IfcInventoryTypeEnum

A list of the types of inventories from which that required may be selected.

7 Jurisdiction OPTIONAL IfcActorSelect

The organizational unit to which the inventory is applicable.

8 ResponsiblePersons OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF IfcPerson

Persons who are responsible for the inventory.

9 LastUpdateDate OPTIONAL IfcDate

The date on which the last update of the inventory was carried out.

10 CurrentValue OPTIONAL IfcCostValue

An estimate of the current cost value of the inventory.

11 OriginalValue OPTIONAL IfcCostValue

An estimate of the original cost value of the inventory.

Table Property sets

  • Pset_Risk
    • RiskName
    • RiskType
    • NatureOfRisk
    • RiskAssessmentMethodology
    • UnmitigatedRiskLikelihood
    • UnmitigatedRiskConsequence
    • UnmitigatedRiskSignificance
    • MitigationPlanned
    • MitigatedRiskLikelihood
    • MitigatedRiskConsequence
    • MitigatedRiskSignificance
    • MitigationProposed
    • AssociatedProduct
    • AssociatedActivity
    • AssociatedLocation Concept usage

Concept Usage Description
IfcRoot (2)
IfcObjectDefinition (9)
IfcObject (5)
IfcGroup (2)
Click to show 18 hidden inherited concepts
Table Formal representation

ENTITY IfcInventory
SUBTYPE OF (IfcGroup);
PredefinedType : OPTIONAL IfcInventoryTypeEnum;
Jurisdiction : OPTIONAL IfcActorSelect;
ResponsiblePersons : OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF IfcPerson;
LastUpdateDate : OPTIONAL IfcDate;
CurrentValue : OPTIONAL IfcCostValue;
OriginalValue : OPTIONAL IfcCostValue;
END_ENTITY; References

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Is this page difficult to understand? Let us know! Changelog IFC4

  • where rule, WR41
  • attribute InventoryType name, Changed from "InventoryType" to "PredefinedType"
  • attribute InventoryType optional, Changed from "False" to "True"
  • attribute Jurisdiction optional, Changed from "False" to "True"
  • attribute LastUpdateDate optional, Changed from "False" to "True"
  • attribute LastUpdateDate type, Changed from "IfcCalendarDate" to "IfcDate"
  • attribute ResponsiblePersons optional, Changed from "False" to "True"