IFC (IFC4X3_ADD2) under development IfcTaskTimeRecurring Semantic definition

IfcTaskTimeRecurring is a recurring instance of IfcTaskTime for handling regularly scheduled or repetitive tasks. Entity inheritance Attributes

# Attribute Type Description
IfcSchedulingTime (3)
1 Name OPTIONAL IfcLabel

Optional name for the time definition.

2 DataOrigin OPTIONAL IfcDataOriginEnum

Specifies the origin of the scheduling time entity. It currently differentiates between predicted, simulated, measured, and user defined values.

3 UserDefinedDataOrigin OPTIONAL IfcLabel

Value of the data origin if DataOrigin attribute is USERDEFINED.

IfcTaskTime (17)
4 DurationType OPTIONAL IfcTaskDurationEnum

Enables to specify the type of duration values for ScheduleDuration, ActualDuration and RemainingTime. The duration type is either work time or elapsed time.

5 ScheduleDuration OPTIONAL IfcDuration

The amount of time which is scheduled for completion of a task. The value might be measured or somehow calculated, which is defined by ScheduleDataOrigin. The value is either given as elapsed time or work time, which is defined by DurationType.

6 ScheduleStart OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The date on which a task is scheduled to be started. The value might be measured or somehow calculated, which is defined by ScheduleDataOrigin.

7 ScheduleFinish OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The date on which a task is scheduled to be finished. The value might be measured or somehow calculated, which is defined by ScheduleDataOrigin.

8 EarlyStart OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The earliest date on which a task can be started. It is a calculated value.

9 EarlyFinish OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The earliest date on which a task can be finished. It is a calculated value.

10 LateStart OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The latest date on which a task can be started. It is a calculated value.

11 LateFinish OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The latest date on which a task can be finished. It is a calculated value.

12 FreeFloat OPTIONAL IfcDuration

The amount of time during which the start or finish of a task may be varied without any effect on the overall programme of work. It is a calculated elapsed time value.

13 TotalFloat OPTIONAL IfcDuration

The difference between the duration available to carry out a task and the scheduled duration of the task. It is a calculated elapsed time value.

14 IsCritical OPTIONAL IfcBoolean

A flag which identifies whether a scheduled task is a critical item within the programme.

15 StatusTime OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The date or time at which the status of the tasks within the schedule is analyzed.

16 ActualDuration OPTIONAL IfcDuration

The actual duration of the task. It is a measured value. The value is either given as elapsed time or work time, which is defined by DurationType.

17 ActualStart OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The date on which a task is actually started. It is a measured value.

18 ActualFinish OPTIONAL IfcDateTime

The date on which a task is actually finished.

19 RemainingTime OPTIONAL IfcDuration

The amount of time remaining to complete a task. It is a predicted value. The value is either given as elapsed time or work time, which is defined by DurationType.

20 Completion OPTIONAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure

The extent of completion expressed as a ratio or percentage. It is a measured value.

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IfcTaskTimeRecurring (1)
21 Recurrence IfcRecurrencePattern

No description available.

Table Formal representation

ENTITY IfcTaskTimeRecurring
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcTaskTime);
	Recurrence : IfcRecurrencePattern;
END_ENTITY; References

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