IfcColumn Semantic definition
An IfcColumn is a vertical structural or architectural member which often is aligned with a structural grid intersection. In most cases it represents a vertical, or nearly vertical, structural member that transmits, through compression, the weight of the structure above to other structural elements below. It may also represent such a member from an architectural point of view in which case it may represent a non load bearing element.
Whether it is a structural load bearing element or a non-load bearing element is determined by the Pset_ColumnCommon.LoadBearing property.
There are two main representations for column occurrences:
- IfcColumn with IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage is used for all occurrences of columns, that have a profile defined that is swept along a directrix. The profile might change uniformly by a taper definition along the directrix. The profile parameter and its cardinal point of insertion can be fully described by the IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage. These columns are always represented geometricly by an 'Axis' and a 'SweptSolid' or 'AdvancedSweptSolid' shape representation (or by a 'Clipping' geometry based on the swept solid), if a 3D geometric representation is assigned.
- IfcColumn is used for all other occurrences of columns, particularly for columns with changing profile sizes along the extrusion, or columns defined by non-linear extrusion, or columns having only 'Brep', or 'SurfaceModel' geometry, if a more parametric representation is not intended.
For any longitudial structural member, not constrained to be predominately horizontal nor vertical, or where this semantic information is irrelevant, the entity IfcMember exists. Entity inheritance
- IfcColumn
- IfcBeam
- IfcBearing
- IfcBuildingElementProxy
- IfcChimney
- IfcCourse
- IfcCovering
- IfcCurtainWall
- IfcDeepFoundation
- IfcDoor
- IfcEarthworksElement
- IfcFooting
- IfcKerb
- IfcMember
- IfcMooringDevice
- IfcNavigationElement
- IfcPavement
- IfcPlate
- IfcRail
- IfcRailing
- IfcRamp
- IfcRampFlight
- IfcRoof
- IfcShadingDevice
- IfcSlab
- IfcStair
- IfcStairFlight
- IfcTrackElement
- IfcWall
- IfcWindow Attributes
# | Attribute | Type | Description |
IfcRoot (4) | |||
IfcObjectDefinition (7) | |||
IfcObject (5) | |||
IfcProduct (5) | |||
IfcElement (13) | |||
Click to show 34 hidden inherited attributes Click to hide 34 inherited attributes | |||
IfcColumn (1) | |||
9 | PredefinedType | OPTIONAL IfcColumnTypeEnum |
Predefined generic type for a column that is specified in an enumeration. There may be a property set given specifically for the predefined types. | Formal propositions
Name | Description | ||||||
CorrectPredefinedType |
Either the PredefinedType attribute is unset (e.g. because an IfcColumnType is associated), or the inherited attribute ObjectType shall be provided, if the PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED. |
CorrectTypeAssigned |
Either there is no column type object associated, i.e. the IsTypedBy inverse relationship is not provided, or the associated type object has to be of type IfcColumnType. |
| Property sets
- Reference
- Status
- Slope
- Roll
- IsExternal
- ThermalTransmittance
- LoadBearing
- FireRating
- AssemblyPlace
- CastingMethod
- StructuralClass
- StrengthClass
- ExposureClass
- ReinforcementVolumeRatio
- ReinforcementAreaRatio
- DimensionalAccuracyClass
- ConstructionToleranceClass
- ConcreteCover
- ConcreteCoverAtMainBars
- ConcreteCoverAtLinks
- ReinforcementStrengthClass
- AssessmentDate
- AssessmentCondition
- AssessmentDescription
- AssessmentType
- AssessmentMethod
- LastAssessmentReport
- NextAssessmentDate
- AssessmentFrequency
- ProcurementMethod
- SpecificationSectionNumber
- SubmittalIdentifer
- InstallationDate
- ModelNumber
- TagNumber
- AssetIdentifier
- CyclicPath
- CyclicRange
- LinearPath
- LinearRange
- MaximumAngularVelocity
- MaximumConstantSpeed
- MinimumTime
- ReferenceAirRelativeHumidity
- ReferenceEnvironmentTemperature
- MaximumAtmosphericPressure
- StorageTemperatureRange
- MaximumWindSpeed
- OperationalTemperatureRange
- MaximumRainIntensity
- SaltMistLevel
- SeismicResistance
- SmokeLevel
- MaximumSolarRadiation
- Reference
- FunctionalUnitReference
- IndicatorsUnit
- LifeCyclePhase
- ExpectedServiceLife
- TotalPrimaryEnergyConsumptionPerUnit
- WaterConsumptionPerUnit
- HazardousWastePerUnit
- NonHazardousWastePerUnit
- ClimateChangePerUnit
- AtmosphericAcidificationPerUnit
- RenewableEnergyConsumptionPerUnit
- NonRenewableEnergyConsumptionPerUnit
- ResourceDepletionPerUnit
- InertWastePerUnit
- RadioactiveWastePerUnit
- StratosphericOzoneLayerDestructionPerUnit
- PhotochemicalOzoneFormationPerUnit
- EutrophicationPerUnit
- TotalPrimaryEnergyConsumption
- WaterConsumption
- HazardousWaste
- NonHazardousWaste
- ClimateChange
- AtmosphericAcidification
- RenewableEnergyConsumption
- NonRenewableEnergyConsumption
- ResourceDepletion
- InertWaste
- RadioactiveWaste
- StratosphericOzoneLayerDestruction
- PhotochemicalOzoneFormation
- Eutrophication
- LeadInTime
- Duration
- LeadOutTime
- InstallationDate
- AcceptanceDate
- PutIntoOperationDate
- AssetCriticality
- AssetFrailty
- AssetPriority
- MonitoringType
- AccidentResponse
- ConditionTargetPerformance
- ConditionMaintenanceLevel
- ConditionReplacementLevel
- ConditionDisposalLevel
- DurationTargetPerformance
- DurationMaintenanceLevel
- DurationReplacementLevel
- DurationDisposalLevel
- TargetPerformance
- PerformanceMaintenanceLevel
- ReplacementLevel
- DisposalLevel
- AcquisitionDate
- BarCode
- SerialNumber
- BatchReference
- AssemblyPlace
- ManufacturingDate
- GlobalTradeItemNumber
- ArticleNumber
- ModelReference
- ModelLabel
- Manufacturer
- ProductionYear
- AssemblyPlace
- OperationalDocument
- SafetyDocument
- PerformanceCertificate
- TypeDesignation
- ProductionLotId
- SerialNumber
- PieceMark
- AsBuiltLocationNumber
- ActualProductionDate
- ActualErectionDate
- TypeDesignation
- CornerChamfer
- ManufacturingToleranceClass
- FormStrippingStrength
- LiftingStrength
- ReleaseStrength
- MinimumAllowableSupportLength
- InitialTension
- TendonRelaxation
- TransportationStrength
- SupportDuringTransportDescription
- SupportDuringTransportDocReference
- HollowCorePlugging
- CamberAtMidspan
- BatterAtStart
- BatterAtEnd
- Twisting
- Shortening
- PieceMark
- DesignLocationNumber
- Description
- Reference
- ReinforcementBarType
- HoopBarPitch
- XDirectionTieHoopBarPitch
- XDirectionTieHoopCount
- YDirectionTieHoopBarPitch
- YDirectionTieHoopCount
- RepairContent
- RepairDate
- MeanTimeToRepair
- RiskName
- RiskType
- NatureOfRisk
- RiskAssessmentMethodology
- UnmitigatedRiskLikelihood
- UnmitigatedRiskConsequence
- UnmitigatedRiskSignificance
- MitigationPlanned
- MitigatedRiskLikelihood
- MitigatedRiskConsequence
- MitigatedRiskSignificance
- MitigationProposed
- AssociatedProduct
- AssociatedActivity
- AssociatedLocation
- ServiceLifeDuration
- MeanTimeBetweenFailure
- ToleranceDescription
- ToleranceBasis
- OverallTolerance
- HorizontalTolerance
- OrthogonalTolerance
- VerticalTolerance
- PlanarFlatness
- HorizontalFlatness
- ElevationalFlatness
- SideFlatness
- OverallOrthogonality
- HorizontalOrthogonality
- OrthogonalOrthogonality
- VerticalOrthogonality
- OverallStraightness
- HorizontalStraightness
- OrthogonalStraightness
- VerticalStraightness
- UncertaintyBasis
- UncertaintyDescription
- HorizontalUncertainty
- LinearUncertainty
- OrthogonalUncertainty
- VerticalUncertainty
- WarrantyIdentifier
- WarrantyStartDate
- IsExtendedWarranty
- WarrantyPeriod
- WarrantyContent
- PointOfContact
- Exclusions
- GrossSurfaceArea
- NetSurfaceArea
- GrossVolume
- NetVolume
- SurfaceGenusBeforeFeatures
- SurfaceGenusAfterFeatures
- Length
- CrossSectionArea
- OuterSurfaceArea
- GrossSurfaceArea
- NetSurfaceArea
- GrossVolume
- NetVolume
- GrossWeight
- NetWeight Concept usage
Concept | Usage | Description | |
IfcRoot (2) | |||
IfcObjectDefinition (9) | |||
IfcObject (5) | |||
IfcProduct (18) | |||
IfcElement (44) | |||
IfcBuiltElement (3) | |||
Click to show 81 hidden inherited concepts Click to hide 81 inherited concepts | |||
IfcColumn (11) | |||
Axis 3D Geometry | General |
The axis representation can be used to represent the fundamental orientation and extents of a column's body. If an IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage is used, the axis representation is used to locate the profile. In addition:
As shown in Figure, the axis shall be defined along the z axis of the object coordinate system. ![]() As shown in Figure, the axis representation must be positioned at the IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage.CardinalPoint, and parallel to the IfcExtrudedAreaSolid.ExtrudedDirection. This offset between the axis line and the IfcExtrudedAreaSolid.Position must correlate with the chosen IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage.CardinalPoint. ![]() |
Body AdvancedSweptSolid Geometry | General |
Body Clipping Geometry | General |
Figure illustrates a 'Clipping' geometric representation with use of IfcBooleanClippingResult between an IfcExtrudedAreaSolid and an IfcHalfSpaceSolid to create a clipped body. ![]() |
Body SweptSolid Geometry | General |
Figure illustrates a 'SweptSolid' geometric representation. There are no restrictions or conventions on how to use the object placement (black), extrusion placement (red) and profile placement (green). ![]() Figure illustrates use of a special profile type (here IfcIShapeProfileDef) for the definition of the IfcExtrudedAreaSolid. ![]() |
Material Profile Set Usage | General |
Figure illustrates assignment of IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage and IfcMaterialProfileSet to the IfcColumnType and the IfcColumn occurrence. Both the IfcMaterialProfileSet and IfcProfileDef is shared between all occurrences. ![]() Figure illustrates cardinal point alignment. The use of IfcCardinalPointEnum must be consistent with the placement of the extrusion body provided by IfcExtrudedAreaSolid.Position. ![]() Figure illustrates assignment of a composite profile by using IfcCompositeProfileDef for geometric representation and several IfcMaterialProfile entities within the IfcMaterialProfileSet. ![]() |
Object Typing | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources: |
Product Assignment | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources:
Property Sets for Objects | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources: |
Quantity Sets | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources: |
Spatial Containment | General |
The IfcColumn, as any subtype of IfcBuiltElement, may participate alternatively in one of the two different containment relationships:
Material Set | General |
This concept can be applied to the following resources:
| Examples Formal representation
ENTITY IfcColumn SUBTYPE OF (IfcBuiltElement); PredefinedType : OPTIONAL IfcColumnTypeEnum; WHERE CorrectPredefinedType : NOT(EXISTS(PredefinedType)) OR (PredefinedType <> IfcColumnTypeEnum.USERDEFINED) OR ((PredefinedType = IfcColumnTypeEnum.USERDEFINED) AND EXISTS (SELF\IfcObject.ObjectType)); CorrectTypeAssigned : (SIZEOF(IsTypedBy) = 0) OR ('IFC4X3_DEV_54a9de1b.IFCCOLUMNTYPE' IN TYPEOF(SELF\IfcObject.IsTypedBy[1].RelatingType)); END_ENTITY;